I was thinking whilst at work today that it might be a good idea for all of us with Hypermobile conditions, to post our own Top 5 methods of pain relief and symptom management. This is intended to be personal, and not be interpreted as a concrete medical aid, but rather to inspire some useful suggestions which you can adapt to your individual problems and requirements.
So I'll get the ball rolling, with my Top 5.....
1. Drinking warm water throughout the day. I do like a good cup of tea, but obviously cannot drink it constantly through the day, so I mix some water from the kettle with some filtered water to drink throughout the day and find this really helps keep my body and brain quite active and alert.
2. Electric Bike - If like me you commute by bicycle or enjoy cycling recreationally, if you are able to do so, then I'd recommend getting yourself an electric bike. It gives you the back up of a motor to do the work when you go uphill, so that you're not overusing your leg muscles, ligaments, tendons etc.
3. Taking 10-20 minutes, around 2/3 times a day to lay down (not a nap) to think and plan what you intend to do over the next few hours or days. I think the act of just closing my eyes helps me to think more clearly, as visual stimulation makes me tired. I get quite a lot of brain fog throughout the day and forget certain things, so this gives me a chance to retrieve those thoughts/plans. Some people would call this meditating but I don't think I'm sophisticated enough to use that word!
4. Making lots of pen and paper notes about appointments and other ideas I have throughout the day. It's almost like a journalists log of quick snippets of information as another means of ensuring that I don't miss anything. I am a creative person as well, and I hate forgetting really good ideas! It can be a notepad or little bits of A4 paper which can be kept in a wallet or purse. I find this method very helpful
5. The Ehlers Danlos YouTube Channel. This is probably second nature to most of the people on here but I can't recommend highly enough how useful the youtube channel is. I've learnt more on here than any other source. Thank you to all the doctors and charity workers for your continued work and also for taking the time to share expert knowledge on EDS/Hypermobility - absolutely priceless!
Those are mine, please feel free to share yours - I'm sure everyone would appreciate your time and suggestions!
All The Best x