Hello everyone, I think my fatigue problems started when I had Steven' Johnson's syndrome in 1995. I just kept pushing through. In 2019 my asthma became severe, shielded for 14 months of the pandemic. Got covid within a couple of months of coming out of shielding. Had covid multiple times since then. Fatigue became more of an issue in 2021, started treatment for long covid in 2022. Fatigue has got worse, GP mentioned fibro myalgia, waiting to be seen by chronic fatigue clinic. Aches and pains have improved greatly since stopping statins- I don't think it's fibro since pain is much reduced. So debilitated by fatigue now that I barely leave the house, use sticks to move around indoors and a wheelchair out of the house.Looking for anyone's experiences with treatments or wizardry that they have tried! OT could only recommend pacing, which I really struggle to do as it is likely I have ADHD too and am rarely relaxed.
I have been looking into Grounding sheets, CBD, Red light therapy, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, coQ10, dehydration sachets, etc etc.