How affective is it and how long does it take it to have an effect? Xx
Amitriptyline: How affective is it and how long does... - EDMESH
Hi Brayb
I was prescribed Amitriptyline for ME at one point but as I sleep fairly well usually and don't have pain associated with ME I didn't feel it was for me. It seems to be prescribed for these two symptoms really.
However, later on I was prescribed it again for IBS, which began with the enteroviral illness that was, or became ME, and it appears to have "cured" the IBS. I had to take it for about a year and a quarter, low dose of 10 mg at night. The consultant who prescribed it said it is the drug of choice for IBS and that some people only need to take it for 3 or 4 months to apparently cure IBS.
It takes about 3 weeks I think to take effect and the only side effect I had most of the time was a dry mouth. However, I later had acid reflux as a side effect after taking it for over a year. I found too that I had to very gradually reduce it when coming off it, to avoid feeling ill.
Best wishes.
Thank you. I have been on it (10mg at night) now for 4 weeks and it seems to have helped my headaches, however my muscle cramps have gotten worse, to the point where sometimes I can't walk... I thought this was odd as it was meant to help with all pain.
it worked instantly for me but i had terrible side effects so have been switched to pregabalin which works a treat