My nephrologist wants me to take 5mg of this potassium-sparing prescription.
I have googled but would like your input. Anything ??? Thanks
My nephrologist wants me to take 5mg of this potassium-sparing prescription.
I have googled but would like your input. Anything ??? Thanks
Thanks wbiC, i'm 80 yrs old, at Stage 3a , weight average 118 lbs.
Blood pressure average is 120/65
Already take low dose Amlodipine , Lisinopril and Coreg.
My neph says i'm doing great, improving, except for spilling potassium.
I've never been a big meat eater, only small amounts of chicken or fish 2-3x week. I've been low on potassium and sodium for 3 yrs years and anemic.
What makes you say Amiloride is "iffy" please.
what I have found is the following:
Amiloride is called a "water pill" (diuretic) and causes your body to get rid of extra salt and water while also preventing the kidneys from getting rid of too much potassium.
Do you suffer from high B.P.?
My b/p is fine (low at times) Example 104/59
But i've read that using Amiloride with Lisinopril is usually not recommended, but may be required in some cases. I also take Amlodipine (all low doses)
I was hoping Amiloride would be short term but with no new labs orders til will i know? Also, if i'm losing potassium, should i increase or decrese my intake? Lol
I guess another call to neph today. Thanks everybuddy
Thanks alot, wbiC
I've been reading up on Amiloride & there are way too many potential side effects! Labs show I'm low on potassium & Neph says I'm losing some in my urine. So, until my next labs in October, I'm EATING more potassium & would prefer to use a potassium SUPPLEMENT rather than Amiloride.....
I'm the boss ...i had lentils for lunch & i feel great ...Thanks again.