A CT scan has shown that one kidney is chronic and shrunken, does this mean the other will be affected, was sent away with no information but will be called for further tests.
Ct scan showed chronic kidney: A CT scan... - Early CKD Support
Ct scan showed chronic kidney

I assume the scan will have covered both kidneys so if only one is mentioned in the report, then it sounds as though the other is looking ok! Good luck with the further tests.
Yes the scan was to check for stones. So was a shock to hear, I left not really taking It in the information I called back the next morning and asked if I should be worried and was told tests had been ordered so suppose it’s just a wait and worry.
Hello Loren23, Try not to worry too much, as it is perfectly possible to live a normal life with only one good kidney, as I found out 3 years ago at age 74! I was told I was probably born with one normal kidney and one small wizened thing which has probably never worked much or at all, also that this situation is more common than many people think. I cannot say it would have been better if I had known when I was younger, but it has certainly saved me from years of worry and stress by not knowing.
You have not given us any personal information such as age, gender, etc. so I am assuming you have had a scan as you have been showing symptoms of a decline in the function of your kidney. Even this situation may not be too serious as one can remain very stable for many years. If you do a little research into things before your next test you will find out all sorts of reassuring information to help you put things into perspective! A good place to start is NHS Choices for a UK overview, Davita.com and the Mayo Clinic site also give lots of useful information and there are many posts on here that can help. Please come back and tell us how you are getting on as your experiences will help many newcomers in the future. Good luck and best wishes - Curleytop1.
Thank you I am 46 years old male, The scan was because i had pain and they suspected kidney stones, I have also been having tests for Memeory loss and confusion, after doing some reading not sure if there is a link. Hopefully tests won’t be too long.
Hello again Loren23, I haven't heard of a link between memory loss and confusion, but everyone is different. No doubt you will receive other replies on this subject, but your problems with memory etc. can be due to the normal stresses and strains of modern life - the more we have to achieve the less room we have to think straight......... Best wishes - Curleytop1.