I take fish oil and evening primrose. Will this cause problems? I am egfr 36, CKD 3b.
Vitamin supplements : I take fish oil and... - Early CKD Support
Vitamin supplements

Hi there,
May I suggest that you ask your pharmacist or specialist about this? Although these supplements may seem innocuous as dietary aides, it is important to check what are the safe doses in CKD and if there are any drug interactions that may occur with any prescription medications that you may be on.
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse and Moderator.
I agree with the Administrator on this, but, may I make a suggestion? I know ckd is difficult, but please do not identify yourself as your egfr or a ckd stage. We are all so much more! Just something that really bothers me because it seems like ckd has taken over our lives!
Most ask what your numbers are to answer various questions. Believe me, my CKD in no way identifies me. I am living my life to the fullest and I've long gotten over the shock of the diagnosis. I do not let it consume me.
Before taking anything, even something over the counter, check with your doctor. Many of us do take supplements, etc but has all been ok'd by our nephrologist. I am post transplant and take a multi-vitamin, Vit D, Vit B and a baby aspirin. This is all been OK'd by my nephrologist. You don't want to take anything that may effect your kidneys.
I don't know anything about evening primrose oil but I take fish oil capsules as I have kidney disease caused by an autoimmune condition called IGAN. Fish oil apparently helps with reducing inflammation and I have not read anything negative about it. As some of the other respondents are saying it is best to check with your nephrolgist.