Hello, I am 23 years old and my GFR is sitting around 14. My consultant and I are getting ready for transplant with a living donor hopefully. I know this page is for early stages rather then transplant stage, are there a pages/groups more relevant I could join ?
GFR of 14: Hello, I am 23 years old and my... - Early CKD Support
GFR of 14

Hi. Yes there is a more suitable group for you - Kidney Transplant Patient Support. I'm in a similar situation as you. My gfr is 11 and I'm awaiting live transplant from my dad. It's a long journey though, so far 2 years, but may be quicker for you as I have other complications that needed assessing first.
Thank you for the group advice. I know this may sound a random question, but as your GFR is at 11, have you stopped working or was there a point where you had to stop due to the kidney problems ? Im just trying to gauge when I have to stop working...
I have a lot of other conditions that have effected my ability to work (Vasculitis, heart failure, emphysema, haemochromatosis, to name but a very few). I did keep returning to work, but had to give that up before even before my gfr dropped to levels that you are "expected" to feel unwell from.
I would imagine that if my only condition was renal failure, I would have been able to work until my kidneys hit around 14%.
Since my kidneys have dropped from 14% to 11%, I have noticed a far greater deterioration in health than when I've had much larger drops (such as from 40% to 20%).
Sorry to hear how complicated your journey has been. Thank you very much for the insight on the work front. I was doing long hours at work before and recently dropped to part time, just unsure to when that has to stops as well. As I am feeling the effects more heavily now.
Hi, I worked right up until I had a transplant but it was hard as I was exhausted all the time and couldn’t stand the cold due to anemia. I returned to work six months after the transplant and still find it hard tbh as I’m very tired by late afternoon.
Best of luck take care.
Don't worry....there are a lot of us that are on Healthunlocked that have had a transplant. I am 18+ years post transplant and there are some that had their transplant over 20 and 30 years ago. I am a NKF Ambassador and we can help others go through the kidney disease process by telling our story. You may still have questions and problems do pop up even after a transplant.
Best of luck to you finding a living donor. Keep us posted.
WYOAnne I had three blood tests all within a 5 week period . The highest was a GFR of 54 and I creatinine of 1.44. I just got the results back from a test taken about four months later my GFR was 67 and my creatinine was 1.2 and my bun was 13. Those are the only tests I've had. Does this signify now that I don't have kidney disease since my 90 day confirmation test showed much better results?
When looking at results of tests the nephrologist looks at the whole picture. Not just blood tests. Also looks at urine to see if your spilling protein, rbc's, urea, albumin, etc. Dr also does a 24 hour urine specimen that compares urine with blood work taken at the time you turn in the sample. CKD...it's more than your creatinine and your eGFR. Next time you see your doctor ask if you can't get an answer if you do have CKD or not. Ask about urine tests and a 24 hour urine test. I remember also having an ultrasound of my kidneys. Sometimes there is a blockage, and it's not CKD at all. Surgery can correct that problem. Please remember too, that GFR is only an estimate of how well your kidneys are filtering, that's why there are many factors that can effect it.
Congratulations!!! Good Luck on your next voyage threw life....
Sending you positive thoughts through this difficult time. Hoping and praying for your success🙏💕