Wish this was true....but...hmmm - Early CKD Support

Early CKD Support

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Wish this was true....but...hmmm

Cruze44 profile image
4 Replies


Changes in the GFR rate can assess how advanced the kidney disease is. In the UK, and many other countries, kidney disease stages are classified as follows:

Stage 1 - GFR rate is normal. However, evidence of kidney disease has been detected.

Stage 2 - GFR rate is lower than 90 milliliters, and evidence of kidney disease has been detected.

Stage 3 - GFR rate is lower than 60 milliliters, regardless of whether evidence of kidney disease has been detected.

Stage 4 - GRF rate is lower than 30 milliliters, regardless of whether evidence of kidney disease has been detected.

Stage 5 - GFR rate is lower than 15 milliliters. Renal failure has occurred.

The majority of patients with chronic kidney disease rarely progress beyond Stage 2. It is important for kidney disease to be diagnosed and treated early for serious damage to be prevented.

Patients with diabetes should have an annual test, which measures microalbuminuria (small amounts of protein) in urine. This test can detect early diabetic nephropathy (early kidney damage linked to diabetes).

Is that second to last paragraph actually a true statement?? It says the majority of CKD patients never progress past level 2?? I have not ever read anything close to that before. In fact, and I hope I don't upset no one by saying this, but from my POV, taking in the info I've been able to gather, I'd say that CKD is an insidious and ultimately fatal disease. Breaks my heart to say that, but the stats I've come across are grim to say the least.

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Cruze44 profile image
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4 Replies
Crinkster profile image

Seriously dude, stop Googling stuff. Not everything you read on the internet is true. You need to get your medical information from specialists. Everyone is going to diefrom something.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Cruze44 profile image
Cruze44 in reply to Crinkster

Just trying to share the ONLY encouraging thing I've read on the internet about CKD. I know it's a lie, but still. Actually it's probably not technically a lie. A lot of people in stage 2 have eGFR's of 85-89 which is not at all KD IMO. Dumb that it's even considered CKD not alone stage 2.

Julesboz profile image
Julesboz in reply to Cruze44

I agree with crinkster, when I was diagnosed last year with stage 3, I googled, and not everything I found was correct online. The vast majority of CKD sufferers never get to renal failure and most, if they manage the condition effectively and don't have a condition that causes rapid progression, can stay at the same stage for years and may never progress or progress so slowly it doesn't really have too much of an effect. I myself have managed to improve my GFR by changing my diet alone, so it isn't all bad news. As crinkster said, talk to the professionals, I was reassured by my GP, the lovely people on this forum and an NHS dietician.

buddygramma profile image


Just a note, I have been fighting many different cancers. Losing my kidney in 2014 put me at stage 3b CKD. (also got Afib weekly episodes). Just know you have to try to get yourself to the healthy zone. I am overweight (love to lose another 20 lbs) not obese anymore. I am 77, daily exercise, kayak, walk, garden, house work and keep busy. I feel great. I have a friend who had the port put in for dialysis 2 years ago and her GFR is 9. Mine is 38. ONE Kidney. Stages are a good thing. You basically need to be concerned once you hit Stage 5. Stage 5 means dialysis. Many live with dialysis for years.

Just want to make this short and sweet. Stage 3a & 3b is really nothing to panic about. I kind of not eat too much protein and plenty of fruits and veggies. Check out Davita.com. This may give you some peace of mind. Yes I do go to my kidney doctor every 6 months. Try to relax. Enjoy your life !! Buddygramma

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