I have just turned 67. My e-GFR (CKD-EPI) is 51. How concerned should I be? Creatinine is 1.42.
Moderate Kidney Disease : I have just... - Early CKD Support
Moderate Kidney Disease

I am 76 and was diagnosed at level 3b GFR 2 years ago and put on a renal diet. My levels had been declining. Something to discuss with your Doctor and go over previous eGFR test results.
If you are not concerned about living a good life at 77+ then don't do anything. If you are concerned enough to think beyond that time then there is much to do.
The following websites will help you understand your CKD and the lab tests that will help you understand even more.
davita.com will help you with two areas. Go there to register for a free class on CKD in your area. They'll provide you with answers to many questions, some you will think to ask and some you won't. Also, they have a lengthy list of recipes for you to make the changes to your diet so that you are eating kidney-friendly foods.
labtestsonline.org will explain all of your blood and urine testing, why the doctors wanted to test for that. I keep every one of my tests for future reference and put all of my lab values on a spreadsheet so that I can track them over a long period of time.
drugs.com will give you a lot of information on all the medications you take and how they may negatively affect your specific issues.
aakp.org is the American Association of Kidney Patients. On their main page, they have a link to their store. By going there you will find a lot of free materials that you can download to build your own personal library of issues you may have related to CKD.
Also, online you should find a good medical dictionary that will help you understand some of the words and phrases you'll need to understand the medical jargon that you'll come across in lab tests and physician summaries.
There is no cure for CKD. You can, however, slow down the slide from where you are now to where you don't want to go (dialysis, renal failure, transplantation). Towards that end remember that supplements will not provide any miracle help. Before you take anything run it past your medical team (primary care physician, nephrologist, and other specialists like a cardiologist, urologist, pulmonologist, etc.).
Don't miss your appointments and keep asking your doctors questions until you understand completely what you are being told. If any of them tell you that "don't worry", find a different doctor. It's your health and your decision as to what you should worry about. The doctors are there to give you the best information but the final decision is up to you.
Be careful who you tell but you do need a support system that works for you. Family, friends and of course this website.
Best of luck.

Welcome Back, Mr._Kidney!
Your presence and expertise has been missed!
Thank you. I'm not exactly back full-time. I've had some non-health related issues to deal with and will be in and out of here over the next 6 to 7 weeks.
Happy Holidays to everyone.

No thanks needed. I speak my mind.
Hope all is well or getting better with you.
Btw, since off the atrovastatin for almost a month now, the back pain under the rib has become faint to none.
My endocrinologist insists I go back on that or rouvastatin which according to Drugs.com is not recommended for people with Proteinuria and Hematuria. I have no i intent of taking either. I keep your fine wisdom close..."If the physician
won't listen, get one who will and work with you.
Best to you at the holiday season. May your home be filled with warmth and joy. Pet the dogs for me!
Hello Zimbo-1, I am 74, my eGFR is 29, my first thing to say would be don't get too concerned, I has a kidney removed 3 years ago, which happened within a couple of weeks of finding out I had kidney disease, (having been wrongly treated for many years as having Irritable Bowel Disease.) At that time I had an eGFR of 23, I have now picked up to 29. the only thing I have been told to do by my specialist, is to eat sensibly, I have never been told to use a kidney diet. But by belonging to a ladies kidney group(there are many groups on line if you need to chat, I have found it invaluable for advice and comfort) I have found out certain foods to avoid to keep your kidneys happy. Grapefruit juice being especially harmful. You may find your hospital has a kidney dietician . Meantime just be sensible when eating and drinking especially over Christmas. Don't get over worried, you have a long way to go, hopefully being able to stay stable or even improving, I would love my specialist to tell me I had a reading of 51. Have a Happy Christmas.