My doctor told me that I was ckd3 but today I went to the hospital for a uti and they did a ct and blood work on me and everything came back normal they didn't see anything wrong with my blood work or Ct.. how could this be
Do I have ckd3 or not : My doctor told me... - Early CKD Support
Do I have ckd3 or not
Hiya Debra
That's brilliant news 😀
I know the levels can alter. But I don't know an awful lot about it until I see my doctor on Wednesday
You've had all that worrying at the weekend as well
It would be interesting to know why this has happened xx
Debra1013 -- I have two comments about ". . . they didn't see anything wrong with my blood work or Ct." First, can you clarify "Ct"? Does it stand for "count" as in "blood count", or something else? Also, did they say they didn't see anything wrong with your blood work but not give you a printout so you could review the results with your primary care doctor or whatever medical professional you see on a regular basis? It sounds like there are no major concerns about your kidney function but that you have not received clear information.
okay this is what happen I went to the hospital last night for a uti.. I told the doctor that I was stage 3 in ckd .. he ordered a routine blood work and checked my kidneys we also ordered a cat scan to look at my kidney. All results came back and he said I had a uit all blood work is normal and cat scan was normal . I asked him how about my kidneys he said nothing is wrong everything is okay
He gave me a print out of my results to give to the doctors
Hi, my numbers are low is which what your doctor might be referring to...creatinine high, gfr low. Glad they checked your kidneys. I have a swollen kidney, string possibility of stone, which is to be removed Friday. It could be causing issues with my numbers since my diet has been really spot on. I would say, drink at least 8 or so bottles of water a day, look at renal diet, cut back on dairy, red meat. They also say to watch sodium and potassium...which happens to be in a lot of fish. I am almost vegetarian and close to being dairy free...great luck!!
Maybe you do not have CKD? Possibly might take more GFR and other blood work to determine if you have CKD. Think about discussing your concerns with your Doctor and get more tests to reassure your status.