Hello there, new to this site and to the notion of kidney disease. Recent blood tests re carpal tunnel syndrome were all normal except kidney function which was 58. GP fobbed me off saying it was ageing and dehydration and that test will be repeated in a month (due next week). I am 54 not 70! Well I have had labile BP for over 15 years regularly over 150/100, with no treatment. My dad died at 62 due to complications of hypertension with kidney failure. Is it possible to have a result that is not a true reflection of kidney function or do I just have another stressed, distracted GP??
Help please: Hello there, new to this site... - Early CKD Support
Help please

Most doctors wont refer you to a Nephrologist until you reach stage 4, and with a eGFR of 58, which is just about within stage 2 is nothing really to worry about unless you have a drastic fall in number. I have been at stage 3 with a eGFR of between 38. and 40 for many years and have never been referred, however I do have regular blood tests at my surgery, and my hypertension is well controlled with Medication. Make sure you drink plenty especially in hot weather. Kidney function can also fluctuate from one stage to another. My last test was 44 the one before that was 38,
Hope this is of some help.
Well even tho you're in good range now, I would go to nephrologist to have it checked out because 1) if your dad had it, it could be something hereditary, mine was 2) you need to get your blood pressure under control because if you do have kidney disease, it's imperative you keep bp low and the nephrologist can take care of that as well, mine did. I wish I had done something about mine sooner but just blew it off when I was told I had it and nothing could be done. You can improve a lot with diet and exercise and positive thinking. Hope this helps you. You're in my prayers. God can do anything!
Thank you Bunkin. What you say makes absolute sense. I will take your advice x
Hi. Bunkin
I assume that you are not in the UK ? as we just can't go to see a Nephrologist we have to be referred by our GP on the NHS. However it is possible to pay privately to see a Neph. but not everyone can afford to do that. We are looked after by our GPs with CKD with regular blood tests, blood pressure tests, and medication for high blood pressure, but If things deteriorate we then get referred. The problem being is that if everyone here was referred to a Neph. with stage 3 CKD the system would collapse, Well that's what one GP said to me when I asked to be referred. Like I previously said, with stage 3 CKD eat a normal diet in moderation and drink plenty, also have regular check ups at your surgery.
You are correct that I am not in UK. However we also have to be referred to specialists. My point is apparently the GP is not keeping an eye on BP with it being that high and also to start helping yourself now so you have a better future. If you wait til it's too bad, all you can do is try to maintain but if you start early enough and do the things that are helpful such as diet and exercise, you improve your outcome. It's not easy and something you have to make yourself do but well worth the effort. Prayers for all. God can do anything!
Hi Bunkin. I left the NHS ill physically and psychologically due to the relentless stress and inability to fulfill the duty of care owed to people. The system is already collapsing BUT GP's have to recognise individual circumstances and refer when appropriate and often that means 'patients' being assertive about family history etc. We need to remember that this is not a forum for 'expert ' advice but sharing of experience.
Sorry that was for Bowler!
Hi Helen im at mywits end with our gps. I was mis diagnosed twice from xmas to march this year. I had severe leg pain, i was given 3 or 4 opioid meds that are known to damage your gfr. In the end i had to pay privately for an mri scan which proved i need a back operation as my spine has narrowed at the base. However on the day of the op i was sent home due to high bp and a gfr of only 22. The opioids had dropped it considerably while i was getting messed about. I know am sofa bound as seemingly the anesthetic also lowers your gfr and its now to low. I have been referred to the kidney dr , 6-8 weeks ridiculous as i will no doubt be in dyalisis area by then. I am disgusted with the nhs!!!
So sorry to hear your ordeal. I think you should contact PALS. The only way improvements can be made is if people give feedback about such dreadful failings Ironically, I have had GP's pushing me for months and months to take anti-inflammatory medications for arthritis and the CTS. Luckily I ignored their advice, as I too would have had further kidney damage had I complied! Best wishes to you, and try to keep positive.
I’ve been on BP medication for some years to help the kidneys I’m told! Family history re heart/kidneys too! My GFR reading has improved so perhaps BP medication has helped.