So sorry if I have posted this twice. I don't know if the other one came on. Xx
Hi I am due to see a nephrologist tomorrow . I had a scan which showed a small left kidney. I spoke to her last time but I was in a bit of a daze to be honest I just seem to be going from one thing to the next. I lost a part of my lung which they say was due to pneumonia ( I didn't even know I had it ) I had an ecg which showed I had a heart attack at some time. They were very quick acting on this. I have seen a cardiologist and I am due to go for a miocardial perfusion scan although the cardiologist assures me he doesn't think any damage has been done , the scan is just to make certain. I really have no idea what the possible diagnosis means.
Could all this be connected to my under active thyroid.
What questions should I be asking ?? Is there anything on here I should be worrying about (photo below ) The bits missing about her potential diagnosis is congenital malformation . I have stopped taking the celecoxib.
I know there is a wealth of information from you wonderful guys on here. I really want to get on with my life and I know you can live with one kidney. Really grateful for any advice on what I should be asking.
Have a great day June X
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