Feeling Anxious: Hi. My appointment to see... - Early CKD Support

Early CKD Support

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Feeling Anxious

honeycombe1 profile image
25 Replies


My appointment to see the consultant is on Friday (3rd visit).

I don't want to go,I don't want to know anything about my kidneys ,its freaking me out.

A month ago, unwell at work, sent home (mortified. )

Urine infection, throat infection,

Week off.

Back to work, still not right, then 10 days off A/L.

Bed. Exhausted. Chills,Nausea.

Now feeling very low.

Does having CKD ,mean you could take longer to recover.

Are you more susceptible to illness

I'm never ill. Very fortunate.

The bottom line is, I don't want to think this has anything to do with CKD.

Because then I know its all true.

Now ,I'm mad as well.

Does anyone get what I mean ?

Love Dawn ♥

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honeycombe1 profile image
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25 Replies
cmcginily profile image

Hi Dawn

Sorry to hear your feeling down, please know we are all here to support you and to listen too when you need to vent.

Everyone's journey is different but we just have to get through it as best we can. Your kidney disease may not be as bad as you think, you have just been unlucky getting ill and some bugs or viruses take time to recover from even when you are fine.

Hope all goes well with your appointment.

Best wishes Christine

honeycombe1 profile image
honeycombe1 in reply to cmcginily

Hi, Christine

Thankyou so much for replying.

I feel pretty stupid now. Just not my normal happy self.

Bit low.

I hope you are keeping well

And thanks.

Dawn x

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to cmcginily

Hi Christine, Hope you enjoyed your holiday and have kept fairly well. Also hope your sister has some positive news. Have been thinking about you and Dawn and Phillen as you are all so kind and caring and deserve the best quality of life you can have. At present we are both O.K. had our flu jabs and trying to stay clear of all the viruses around. Hubby has more blood tests Tuesday 8th December, see the neph. on Friday the 11th so trying to stay positive. He also sees the cardiologist 22nd. December.....and our GP. inbetween. Last blood tests showed GFR 35 so remaining steady.... the neph. would like it to be 45.....so would we... Hope you keep well and thanks for being there when doubts sometimes take over. Love Belle xx

cmcginily profile image
cmcginily in reply to bellefrank

Hi Belle

The holiday was fantastic, we came back so rested an ready to take on the world again. So happy to hear everything remains steady with your hubby. My sister has stage 3 ovarian cancer which is not curable but with chemo may be controlled. She has had her 1st chemo now and is doing ok.

My last eGFR was 31 so still holding steady. My main problem is pain in my joints, feel like an old woman creaking and groaning. Not sure how much of this is due to kidney disease it may be more due to the drugs I have to take daily to keep breast cancer at bay.

Stay well and remain upbeat.

Love Christine xx

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to cmcginily

Thanks Christine. so sorry to hear about your sister hope and pray the treatment helps to keep her with us for as long as possible. You spoke of joint pain....my hubby has the same and with the neph. permission takes Zapain morning and night and it helps. The neph. seems keen to keep joint pain at bay and any inflammation due to it....He has been told he can take zapain 4 times at day but manages on the 2..... I too feel like an old woman at times but its only my left leg following my back surgery 18 months ago. However my pain is now no-where near as severe pre-op, so I count it as success.....I am down to a couple of painkillers at night to help sleep. ..Best wishes and love Belle xx ps ..so pleased your holiday went well, heres to next time x cheers.x

jaykay777 profile image

Hi Dawn --

Perhaps in time, you'll view learning more about kidney disease as empowering you to make the best possible decisions about your treatment. It helped me transition from the "why me?" stage to feeling I have some control over learning what's best for me, especially in learning more about a kidney-friendly diet.

Please stay in touch with us.


Mikeray1988 profile image

In a strange way it's nice for me too know that there's someone out there that feels the same as me. I am seeing my consultant next week and dreading it. You will be fine though dawn, must be positive, life is too short!

honeycombe1 profile image
honeycombe1 in reply to Mikeray1988


It feels a bit mean too be glad someone else in the same place.

But, at least we get each other!

Thankyou for your kind words. I hope you get on ok at your appointment.

Dawn x

googie profile image

hello my lovely,

Don't feel anxious, as said below, once you know and understand your kidneys you will feel so much better and more in control. I know that when I first found out, I felt totally helpless, but the more I read and learnt, the better I felt. Ask questions, even if it is just on here. People are more than willing to help you and put you at ease. You are not alone xx

Let us know how you get on, and take control :D xxx

Googie xx

honeycombe1 profile image
honeycombe1 in reply to googie


Thanks for your kindness.

Thank heavens for this site

I love you all

Obviously my husband knows,but only my version.

I'm keeping it from my parents because they are in their 80's and would worry.

I will get there.

Hope you keep well.


Dawn ♥

honeycombe1 profile image

Hi, Judy

Apologies for sounding slightly negative.

I'm just saying how I feel.

I'm disappointed in myself.

But, my mood will change and I will be fine.

Thanks for replying and I will keep in touch. I hope you keep well

Dawn x

Mgt8 profile image

Hi Dawn,

You don't need to apologise for feeling bad. :-)

It's something we all feel at some time. Every time I hear something new has happened to me re my kidney desease, I panic a bit inside. ...... but everyone who has already commented on this thread has hit the nail on the head..... Knowledge is strength...... the more we find out about it, the more in control we often feel.

I had a funny turn on Sunday while out walking. I thought 'This is it!' Kidneys finally gone! Woke up the next day with a streaming cold! .....never before have I been so pleased to have a cold..... :-)

.......its really easy to attribute everything that is wrong with us to our kidneys.....

When you go on Friday your consultant may be able to address some of your symptoms and give you ideas of what to do to look after them and help you stay more healthy. ....that's always worth it. I always try to use any 'worry time' to decide what I want to ask once I'm there.

Good wishes for Friday; hoping it all goes well for you and that you feel more at ease very soon.


aadd4444 profile image

Dear Friend, Hi. I think psychological problems are sometimes more annoying and hazardous than physical problems. For example, panic, stress, anxiety and fear can be the causes of many physical problems. Do not worry and try to be as calm and composed as you can. I wish you and pray for you not to have any serious problem. I myself had a GFR of 55 but, after observing a food&beverage diet and life-style, my GFR ,praise be to God, is now 70. So, refer to your trusted nephrologist and do as he prescribes. Deo Volente(God Willing), you will be cured soon. Good Luck.

honeycombe1 profile image
honeycombe1 in reply to aadd4444

Thankyou for replying.

I have always had depression and anxiety traits, but I know how my mind works,not good sometimes, but it's part of me.

Have been extremely lucky in my life.

Having kidney disease, has floored me.

I can do mental illness but not physical.

I wish I hadn't been told.

But I have,so I will have to get on with it.

I never thought I would react like this.

I am a strong,kind ,caring person with a weird sense of humour, lovely family ,but I'm whinging!

I will give myself a good slap and get on with it.

I hope you keep well.

Dawn x

Alejito profile image
Alejito in reply to aadd4444


I am in US and my dad has one kidney and it is in 38 stage 3, please give me advice how you improve your kidney function to apply it to my dad's case, thank you so much and hope you continue improving as well as you have been doing it...great, congrats,


Alejito profile image
Alejito in reply to Alejito

My message was for aadd4444, thank you...


aadd4444 profile image
aadd4444 in reply to Alejito

Dear One, I think the most important thing to consider is having a proper diet as regards eating and drinking. Besides, having a proper life-style and controlling blood pressure and limiting sugar consumption are also beneficial. Fresh vegetables and fruits are beneficial. I think walking briskly and doing some physical activities are helpful. I pray for your father to be cured as soon as possible. God bless you and your father.

bellefrank profile image

Dear Dawn..... I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were. We all panic at times and try and soldier on without discussing it with family members. Believe me you are not alone we are all simply human and have our fears. Went with hubby to see our nephrologist 2 weeks ago and pleased to hear hubby is remaining steady with a GFR of 35..... One thing our neph. is certain about is that any infection or inflammation hits his kidneys very hard but as his body recovers so does his kidneys and to progress from GFR 27 to 35 is quite an achievement. Of course he would like the reading to be 45......wouldn't we all......You sound as though you have really been under the weather and when we feel bad or in pain it begins to get us down. I am sure your appointment to-morrow will be alright please let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you... Love Belle xx PS my laptop crashed and I thought I had lost all contacts, e-mails etc.... panic scream....A friend in New Zealand sorted it remotely. thank goodness.

honeycombe1 profile image
honeycombe1 in reply to bellefrank

Thanks for your kind words, they do help,and knowing that there are people who understand, and have been there themselves ,makes it easier.

I'm glad hubby is doing well and I hope you are ok.

Nervous about appointment, be glad when I'm out and back home.

Love Dawn ♥

bellefrank profile image
bellefrank in reply to honeycombe1

Hi Dawn.....with luck you will feel better after your appointment. Make a list of any questions or anxieties as I do and hopefully you will receive some re-assurance... Please let us know, will be thinking of you to-morrow with all best wishes and love Belle xx

barmoose profile image

Honeycombe1, Really know how you feel, they can send A man to the moon, but can't

find a cure for CKD. I am getting tired of this pity party I'm having for myself. I think they might not have a cure, but they have something that can make our load a little bit lighter. Harvoni for your Liver, But nothing for your Kidneys. I don't want to give up hope & I definitely don't want to go on dialysis, I hate even writing the word to me that's just like being dead.

honeycombe1 profile image

I agree that the pity party is no

fun,but maybe we can be strong together and get out of the pit!

There is a lot of strength and love on this site.

Not one of us knows our outcome.

But,keep going to your appointments, talk your fears out,wake up and be glad that you are alive.

Believe me,I know where your coming from.

You take care,

Dawn ♥

barmoose profile image

I wish there was a support group for us, where we could all meet & come together like once or twice a month, & discuss our problems & concerns. Give one another hugs & compassion & be there for each other. We together can stand together & be strong for each other, & say & feel we are not alone in this dilemma.

honeycombe1 profile image

We can be strong for each other.

Each person has their own personal journey, some people deal with it easier than others.

Newbies get help and advice from the oldies.

Talking about how you feel, really helps.

Thanks to everyone on this site.

Take care,barmoose and thank you.

Dawn x

Alejito profile image

Hi Dawn,

Be strong, there is a God that cares for all of us, we are here to support you, be always positive 100%, everything is going to be fine...


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