Hi, I’ve had a nervous tic sinc about the age of 13. Its never been properly diagnosed nor have I received much treatment. One doctor prescribed rivotril which I became slightly addicted to and took for many years. I quit using it at one point (maybe after ten yrs or so) since it hat never affected my condition, either positively or negatively. I saw no reason to continue using it. Since I have used no medication - basically since the mid 90s). I just accepted my tic as something incurable. It’s probably not the worst one ever, but over the years it has changed my posture and my head leans too far to the right. My only „self-remedy“ is to tr and find exercises and stretches to relieve muscular tension. I did want to try Botox and even had an appointment. But I funked it at the last minute and never went back. It was only when I found this group (by accident on the web), that I realized it had a name.
I‘d like to rejoin the group and read your stories and share experience. Thanks peterdyst