Could someone please explain to me please what Dyslexia Action Packs are.
Could someone please explain to me please what Dyslexia Action Packs are.
I read it in one of the previous conversations. The mother stated that the children do their dyslexia action packs befor they go to school.
Both my children attend Dyslexia Action for numeracy and literacy. On a regular basis, in numeracy and literacy, they are given a card to learn. In literacy it could be the name of the letter and sound. On the back of the card they may draw a symbol to represent this letter. In numeracy on a card they will be asked a number question. They have a daily pack, weekly pack and termly pack. Why not ring up Dyslexia Action and to the principle. In my experience, the younger you can get your child to Dyslexia Action the easier it is for them to learn. Dyslexia Action has really helped my children and I am pleased we decided to send them.
Forgot to say the individual cards eventually become a "pack".
Ah that makes sense, thanks 301606, and thank you for the kind words, it's great to hear!
Thankyou very much
This could also be classed as a clue pack i.e. before the child sits down to work they basically look at each card and say it's letter name or sound and then put the next one down (but this is done a speed). This hopefully "wakes" the brain in time for the lesson and also prepares the child for the lesson.