I was tested when I was 8 and I was wondering if I could be re assessed to see what my reading age ect are
Can I be re tested ?: I was tested when... - The Dyslexia Comm...
Can I be re tested ?
Hi. If you are looking to get special access arrangements then it is advisable if your last test was more than 3 years ago (I am assuming it was). If you want some more advice, contact your local centre dyslexiaaction.org.uk/Page/...
Hope this helps.
thanks i'll look into that
I have bad dyslexer I can't do anything and it makes me upset sometimes my family say I am Stuiped and I can't do it they like let me do for you or someone else do it for you and I feel upset that I am dum that I am not like other people normal or they say you can't find job let me find for you they don't give me a chance I hate my life but want solution because always wanted to be a Lawer but can't do it because I am dyslexe
Yes you can get reassessed. The type of assessment will depend what you need it for (exam arrangements, or just an update for yourself etc). If you wish for your Dyslexic difficulties to be analysed and then suggestions given on how to help overcome (or work around) them then you can have an assessment by a Psychologist or a specialist teacher (with the AMBDA qualification) they will look not only at reading and spelling but other aspects of Dyslexia such as Working Memory and processing speed, as these also can have a big impact. Dyslexia Action will have qualified people as well as the BDA (British Dyslexia Association) who can supply a list of qualified people in your area if you phone their help line.
I personally don't see the point in labels!
Why don't you just get 'cured'?
Get someone to help you do the Toe by Toe book and your reading will increase no end.
Good luck with this difficult situation.
Interesting idea. I've thought of this too to see whether my dyslexia has changed.If you 're at university then you can get a test for free.If not then I think you have to pay for it ....but ask others as I'm not sure.