Why do i have high fasting glucose levels ? its a pattern now.
High fasting glucose levels whereas P... - Diabetes Research...
High fasting glucose levels whereas PP levels are normal

What are you eating at dinner time or for bedtime snack?

When you say fasting levels, do you mean when you test first thing in the morning after fasting overnight?
It could be the dawn effect pushing some stored glucose out of your liver to prepare you for the day ahead.
It could be the effect of slow release carbs taking effect overnight from your dinner. Some carbs can effect you blood-glucose levels for many hours.
Are you on medication?
Are you Type 1 or Type 2?
Perhaps you should make an appointment with your doctor for a fasting test or HbA1c to see what's happening.

6.37 is a good reading.
Have you spoken to your doctor about this?
They have obviously done a HbA1c to check? Is that because they had a concern or you asked them to do it?