Need to sort out my mother's diet. She has pretty traditional tastes (from the pre-curry era).
Anyone got any recommendations for di... - Diabetes Research...
Anyone got any recommendations for diabetic recipe books?

Sorry - but I really am finding this response confusing. You state that wholemeal bread is high glycaemic but it comes up under low GI foods if I do a search on that - and I thought it was white breads that were the culprit.

Hi Gambit62
This is a superb book for people with diabetes. It's called Carbs & Cals. It's a picture dictionary of 1000's of different foods and beverages that are broken down into portion sizes and allocated a carbohydrate and calorie amount. There is an iPhone and smart phone app too, which I use. The authors won a Quality in Care award for both last year.

We have some good book suggestions on our Pinterest site
Hope this helps

Also this page on our website might be good to refer to

Sorry you're having trouble seeing the Pinterest site so this book by Fatima Patel on our website might be useful
And have a look at this piece by DRWF Editorial Board Member Azmina Govindji
Azmina also writes her own books available online .