Hi, I’m G and I am an alcoholic : Just joined... - Drink Free

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Hi, I’m G and I am an alcoholic

Chubbalump profile image
21 Replies

Just joined your community today. I took the decision to get help with my alcohol abuse in November 2021. I went from drinking 7 full bottles of Jack Daniels or Jim beam each week down to tee total but I am creeping up again. Back up to 2 to 3 bottles a week.

starting again today to get off the drink.

So, that is me. I look forward to speaking with you all and helping if I can.

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Chubbalump profile image
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21 Replies

hi, welcome to the groups. I really hope support from people in here can help you 😊

Chubbalump profile image
Chubbalump in reply to

Thanks Moonpig.

in reply to Chubbalump

you did amazing to be T total from that amount of alcohol. Can you follow the same strategies to get control back. I’m sure there are many people who relapse, but they pull themselves back. Good on you for seeking help though.

Alcohol is like other drugs when seeking that high …we try more and more to reach that same level of high …then it becomes a boring addiction that then torments life (not meaning to simplify it). Will it be easier for you to cut down first …than stop all of a sudden?!

Treesong2023 profile image

Wow, you did great to take on what was a huge drinking battle and....win..!! Think about that.. it's such a big big thing. In anybody's book that's a real achievement.

It is also evidence you have a VERY strong will...and that you can control your life when you want to. And so gain all the benefits that this will bring you in time. In money alone, you must have saved loads!!

It's sad to hear you are relapsing tho...and that it's getting worse..but GOOD that you see that happening, and you want to do something about it. That's you preparing for the next round of your fight I think...

I would humbly suggest you go do what you know you can do, stop drinking, and get ready to reduce your drinking again. But this time think about why you started again...? Be ready for that...giving in point ..it's a trap we all face in our drinking habits. Pack in things to distract you, get out walking, get on a bus to the shops, go talk to a friend who doesn't drink...? Be ready...not to give in... ?

Good Luck in your next round..🌻

Chubbalump profile image
Chubbalump in reply to Treesong2023

Hopefully, talking to this group, using the nhs app, and trying to do something positive when I crave the alcohol, I will achieve my goal. My goal this week is three days without a drink, today, tomorrow and Wednesday. If I can do better, I will.

Thanks for the support.

Isinatra profile image

Alcoholism is an addiction, not a habit. To fight the addiction, when ready, AA is your best shot. Cancer patients don’t get their advice from their neighbors how to get a cure and alcoholics don’t benefit from advice given to them from people who aren’t knowledgeable in addiction. Alcoholism is a deadly disease and should be treated as such, just like cancer. Good luck, my friend.

Chubbalump profile image
Chubbalump in reply to Isinatra

I was referred to the drugs and alcohol services for over a year and managed to regain control. It was after a particularly traumatic event in my life that I relapsed recently. Talking to people is but one strategy I found helpful, hence why I am on here, through the NHS app.

Today is day 1. It has been successful. Now to get through day 2.

Thanks for the support.

in reply to Isinatra

hi, are you a alcohol counsellor? If so then great I’m sure your qualifications can help people on here. But it’s not just about knowledge, it’s about life experience also, which I am sure you can advise on too. As can most on here. I’m sure you wrote something about ….we can chose to take the advice or or not. I don’t think comparing alcoholism to cancer is a good way of supporting people though.

Not everyone is an alcoholic the same as not everyone has a cocaine addiction or heroin addiction. People can ‘use’ but not be to the point of no return…and need professional intervention!

for chubberlump, that may be different, however, this isn’t an AA professional advice group, it’s a group forum for supporting people will all drink related issues personalised to them…

I thought AA isn’t about recruiting members?!

What’s the point in coming to this site if we are just going to be told AA is best and we are lying to ourselves if we can do it any other way !

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppyAmbassador in reply to

Some people believe as you do, and some people believe AA is an alcoholic’s best shot. There is room for all opinions.

And you’re right, not everyone on this site is an alcoholic but some are. When controlled drinking doesn’t work abstinence may be the answer. And that is rarely possible to achieve without help.

Live and Let Live. And remember that everyone has a right to their opinions.

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppyAmbassador in reply to Isinatra

Well said.

Isinatra profile image

Hi…I’m no more an alcoholic counselor than you are. But I am a recovering alcoholic. I found a program that saved my life and thousands of others since it’s creation a hundred years ago. My credentials are my experiences with my own struggles with alcoholism and my ability to remain sober for 20 years and helping others that want to stop drinking. All I do is lay the tool of AA at a persons feet and what they do with it is up to them. If a tool that can save a life is wrong to you, then there’s nothing I can do about that. I can’t help people who want to drink, I can only try to help the people who want to seriously stop and ask for support. There’s a lot of misinformation in this community along with enabling and usually without a person knowing they are doing so.

I know that not everybody in this community is alcoholic and in reality it’s impossible to tell anyway and words on a screen don’t always tell the whole story because of the stigma. Even anonymously. The name of this community means to me 0 alcohol. But the majority of the posts are about continuing to drink. Thus creating a mix of ideas and opinions. I learned two years ago when I joined that maneuvering around how this community is structured wouldn’t be easy, but if one person can be helped by a few words sometime on down the road, then it’s worth the effort. I give my experience, strength and hope. If you read it differently, so be it. 🤷‍♀️

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppyAmbassador in reply to Isinatra

Again, well said.

Chubbalump profile image
Chubbalump in reply to Isinatra

I seem to have opened a can of worms. All I can say is that AA was not for me - the groups were very religious in my area and I am not. However, I joined a different club to help lose weight and they have been supportive and great to talk to.

In my experience battling alcoholism, I cannot drink in moderation. My goal is total abstinence. But, I have to tackle it like I did before, try to cut down slowly but surely.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. Let’s all aim to be better versions of ourselves.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Chubbalump

You can’t control what others choose to do and people differ in opinions. Discussions will pop up and that’s a good thing. In my early stages of alcoholism, I learned that a continuous support system helped me from relapsing. Gaps in support and I would drink again. I wish you only the best for a continuous better life without alcohol. 🤗

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppyAmbassador in reply to Chubbalump

I’m glad you tried AA and am sorry it’s not for you. But at least you gave it a shot. There are many other ways to stay sober and I hope you find one that works for you. A sober life is wonderful. I’m comfortable in my own skin and don’t have to run anymore. Good luck. And keep on posting your progress. It’s a good support group.

who created this group? Who are the admins for the group? Where did I once say that a life saving tool is wrong ? And so you are now saying that conversations are enabling others… if so where are the moderators ? Is the group an AA group or a general support group?

I commend you for being a recovered alcoholic but if the group is just a signposting group to the AA where’s the room for discussion and support.

I may not be an alcohol but I’ve got 39 years-experience of being around alcohol, addictions and educated.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Health unlocked created this group. If you need to contact them, go to the bottom of any page where there’s a black box and click on Contact Us.

in reply to Isinatra

ok great. If I’ve misunderstood how the group works or think I’m in the wrong group I’ll leave. I’m not about create arguments, I will however be open to honest discussions and opinions!

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppyAmbassador in reply to

You think you are open to honest discussions and options, but you’re so anti-AA that I think it’s clouding your judgement. On any site regarding alcohol there’s going to be talk about AA. Don’t be so over sensitive.

in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

who said anything about being against the AA that’s where you are wrong. I’m against being preached to or feeling like other people are being judged.

I have suggested contacting the AA to another member.

So don’t tell me I’m not open minded. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t have contacted them myself!

that is my intention too…to stop altogether. I am trying my best and have appreciated the group …

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