I was given this by an old timer in AA.
I Stopped Losing My Marbles: I was given this by... - Drink Free
I Stopped Losing My Marbles
Many even in AA dont understand the obsession of the mind. When the alcoholic obsesses for a drink, his/her whole mind is set on the effect produced by alcohol. They illustrate that using various stories in the chapter More about alcoholism of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Where i live, there is this slogan "Call your sponsor before you take the first drink" on the 30 day chip. So, logical yet, no alcoholic calls his sponsor before taking the drink. Usually he calls a day or two after the spree. Usually with lot of guilt and shame. He/She believes they had a choice in drink, but doesnt.
I know. And a little fun added to the mix is part of the program, too.
Addiction (obsession), physically and mentally, is a subject a lot of people don’t know about for many reasons. Alcoholic or not. Knowledge of addiction alone doesn’t prevent an alcoholic from drinking, though. Knowledge comes when one enters treatment because it’s part of the whole 12 step program. Yes, it’s important to know why we are the way we are. A friend went online before he entered a 12 step treatment program to learn all he could how to get sober, which he had been doing unsuccessfully for a long time with this knowledge. Once entering the facility, he was told to forget everything he read. Inside the facility is where his sober journey started. That was 1994. Still sober to this day and a happy alcoholic.
I’ve read many stories and then some. I’ve lived them, too and will continue doing so for the rest of my, I hope, sober life. 👍🏼
I dont think treatment is a must. If you do show signs of DTs its is suggested. The issue, members are not using the 12 steps effectively. We have abjuducated that responsibility to the treatment centers. I remember a lady who went to treatment and said that was the most expensive big book she got. Because out of the treatment center (after detox and mild therapy), they gave her the book and asked her to attend AA meetings. And I am all about having fun in recovery but these slogens put a wrong ideas in the members especially new comers that they have a choice in drink. When they dont. Choice and control when it comes to alcohol is what we lack. That has to be instilled in people of alcoholic nature.
Oh….the treatment center story was just one story of many. I didn’t mean to give the impression it was the only way, but it was the only way for that person. He refused to join AA and his parents finally suggested a treatment facility and he agreed to go. Needing to have DT’s as a reason to go to a facility isn’t necessary. 100 years ago or 50 , maybe, but not today. There are so many different types of facilities for different stages of alcoholism/addiction now. I disagree that treatment centers are the go to treatment for alcoholism because too many can’t even afford them. And there’s certainly not an over abundance of them. You made an umbrella statement about them. Treatment centers are intense 12 twelve step programs….some better than others, yes. I’m sorry your friend felt she wasted her money.
I feel you missed the point of the card. It’s not just a slogan. . I, in no way, felt I had a choice when I read the card. I was a newbie when I was given the card and marble and I felt it was a kindness out of concern for a fellow suffering alcoholic. That’s my take on it.
There are many people who got sober because of the desperate situation they were in. And dont take effort to understand the predicament the new-comer is. That ignorance is what i am talking about. Just because they were kind, doesnt mean they are right. Thats my point. Think thru the drink, Pick your hiney and get back to meetings no matter what...... all these statements stems from ignorance. Thats all i am saying.
I accepted the kindness and the card and marble didn’t make me want to run out and drink. The person had been giving this card to many people in the rooms of AA for a very longtime. He and his cards weren't perceived as a danger to anyone. I’m sorry the card/slogan isn’t ok with you, but I find it harmless. Yes, newcomers are vulnerable when they first sober up. Some more than others. Of course, thinking through the drink is part of the teachings of AA.
You and I may continue to differ in how we give hope here to people who want to stop drinking and that’s ok because the teachings of AA are suggestions only and because people naturally will work their programs differently. We aren’t perfect and we’re working our programs to the best of our abilities.
Picking my ****** doesn’t help me make choices.