Hi, just joined tonight, I had a stroke in feb this year and I have Afib. It said in a letter I got that the CT scan revealed evidence of small vessel cerebrovascular disease, does anyone have this or know much about it?
Thank's Keith.
Hi, just joined tonight, I had a stroke in feb this year and I have Afib. It said in a letter I got that the CT scan revealed evidence of small vessel cerebrovascular disease, does anyone have this or know much about it?
Thank's Keith.
Google small vessel cerebral vascular disease, what to do and what to know? It’s a bit lengthy but can answer some questions you’re having, Cindy in NJ good luck stay positive
Remember your mind believes what you tell it, tell it only good, positive things...this got me through difficult times xo
Thank's Cindy.
Hi wittycj, I was sceptical myself to begin as I thought one's mind and brain were one and the same. But now I am sure they are entirely separate. My brain, I am sure, is ruled by hormones and instincts, along with habits, biological clock etc. I also think of it as a honeycomb with little cells filled with information. My mind is controlled by me and my gritted teeth. I can overcome these automatic reactions of my brain.
So far it is working .
I too have cerebral small vessel disease diagnosed after my third stroke but I can't tell you anything about it because I have no symptoms, my brain works as well as it ever did, my memory is excellent. So what I would say is don't be freaked out by what you read on the internet.
Hi Keith, sorry to hear about your stroke and I hope you are making good progress. I have AF, , I've been diagnosed and treated for it since my early 50s and I'm now 71. It is controlled with Sotalol and since my stroke in 2009 (aged 62) I have been prescribed Warfarin among other things, (antidepressants etc. )
As for your specialist's reading of your CT scan, any opinion from me would be pure conjecture. I, personally ,would make an appointment with your GP and ask for it to be explained to you. I was lucky in having a health professional describe the damage of my strokein my brain to me in detail- with diagrams, but you do have to ask , not everyone wants to know the mechanics .
Very best of luck to you, never forget you are a survivor -well done , keep strong. xx
Hi annlynne, Mine happened in feb this year and they found out I also had AF, I am in afib now it was happening every 8 days and lasting for 2 days but now it is coming every 4 days and lasting about 36 hours. It started this morning so it will be here till tomorrow afternoon. I am getting a 7 day monitor on the 11th dec to see if they can record it. I am on 5mg Bisoprolol, 20mg rivaroxaban. I have depression really bad if that is what is making me feel so bad. I have felt like this since the day I had the stroke.
Hi Keith, My best advice is don't panic. do something else to occupy your mind. I watch tv. the BBC news is interesting in the night. Rather like reading a broadsheet compared to tabloid news.But mainly ask to see your cardiologist and tell him what's happening. There are other drugs to control your AF. I was on Bisoprolol and the cardiologist moved me onto another beta blocker until eventually I was prescribed Sotalol, which works for me.
Which country are you living in Keith.?I only ask because I can recommend the "electrician" Dr Peter Stafford at Leicester Glenfield hospital. UK
For my depression I was prescribed Citalopram but as the GPs said they can't take your problems away, only help you to cope with them. I am now on a higher dose of Sertraline -nice calm feeling. However, I gather the stroke really interferes with your emotions so I don;t regard my depression as permanent and I try to tell myself I haven't got depression I'm just a bit fed up and a good weep every so often moisturises your eyes . Just make sure you have man-sized tissues close. A nice cup of tea works for me. I haven't touched alcohol since my stroke.
I know it's a big struggle -but we made it! we got through the stupid stroke and we have a life to do something with. I'm sure you have a talent -God gives us all one. Use it now -this is your second chance. Happy Christmas
love Annlynne x