What about beer? Is 2 bottles a week fine?
Alcohol loads your system with useless calories.It spikes the sugar levels instantly and after some time the sugar levels drop suddenly.This is not at all good for diabetes management.Also,you might be aware that we,diabetics are susceptible to diabetic neuropathy. Alcohol aggravates that problem.
In my experience, I have BS for last one year, but 99% under control, my experienced doctor advised me to have one or two small pegs of Alcohol before dinner, 3-4 days in a week. Doctor suggests that it will help to dilute the density of blood and better blood circulation. But excess of alcohol is not recommended. Along with the alcohol, take raw veg salad in little quantity. But I used to take alcohol 5-6 days in a week for last one year and regularly used to check-up BS which is found quite normal. Medication and exercise should be continued - means walking 2-3 kms minimum in a day is must.
I entirely agree with your view that one or at the most two pegs of alcohol of good quality is surely good for health. Consumption of alcohol is injurious only when you cross the limit. Even poison, you may be aware, is antidote in some cases. Thus, if one has the will power and control on the quantity of alcohol one consume, it is really good for health as suggested by Mr. Gopu.
I am diabetic; used to take maximum 2 pegs before dinner almost every day without a feeling of doing anything wrong; i.e. with a positive attitude. It helps me to have good sleep and good motion in the morning and also avoid gas trouble, for me.
I appreciate Gopu to state the facts openly on this platform, wherein, people who consumes liquor will generally oppose on our platform.
e-mail : mattoor@hotmail.com
Diabetic or not Diabetic why take that poison. Each one of us know that ALCOHO:L IS SLOW POISON. Then why take it
I do not agree that alcohol is "slow poison". In fact, alcohol if consumed in moderation is good for health. Read up about it.
I have also read that doctors have no qdverse opinion against persons with diabetics consuming alcohol daily - not more than two pegs,They claim it may be good and beneficial on the contrary.
The person is referring to pros and cons of alcohol intake for diabetics in general case.Ofcourse it depends on how much and extent or severe the diabetic.Moderation in accepted meaning is the key,may be?
Doctors do not agree on this point. Alcohol is addiction inducing and hence a poison 2 pegs OK today. Tomorrow 4 pegs and slowly increas. Nervous systems shall be affected for a diabetic faster than in non diabetic. HENCE IT IS SLOW POISON
Yes, it is harmful but if u take one spoon of naturamore u can take alcohol and eat nonveg also.
Quite interesting. Limited and non daily alcohol consumption is OK. But most imp is total caloric value of food+ alcohol being taken in and makes all the difference. Ultimate parameter is normalized Blood sugar levels and this should be the first priority where as other things are to be adjusted.
totalcalaries your body requre=daily food +alcohalaproximate 2pegs +daily wark load must be equal all togather and B.M.I if you are nor obase.
Not necessary to take this with soda, only u have to take one spoon of naturamore when u complete ur bathroom, after that for half an hour u can complete ur breakfast,so that within half an hour it will fullfill ur body full of vitamins which require for ur body, and this is not a joke from last 6 months i am taking this my colestol has been vanish, no sugar, and i am enjoying my life. u can call me on my cell no. 9823969333 also.