Is ladies finger helping diabetes?
Diabetes. Is ladies finger helping diabetes? - Diabetes India
Diabetes. Is ladies finger helping diabetes?
There are numerous earlier posts on the subject on this website,including personal experiences of the bloggers.Please use the search function on this web page to access those posts.
On the top right Search Healthunlocked, I typed in ladies finger, there are fifteen pages!!!
Would it be possible for you to point me to the correct pages?
One should not depend on ladies fingers for the control of diabetes. It is good to include this as a part of healthy diet as it has lot of dietary fibre which is good for health.
Some people do claim that it reduces blood sugar levels. However, there is no consensus on this. Personally for me, it did not make any measurable change in blood sugar. Same goes for bitter gourd. Best approach is - monitor your blood sugar to see if it affects your BS before making any change in medications.
Cutting down dietary carbohydrate including sugar is much more effective in limiting the rise in blood sugar. Try to avoid/limit GPS in your diet.
G: Grains, P: Potatoes, and S: Sugar
Has your doctor suggested that you use lady fingers in your diet? Please consult your doctor before you change your diet/exercise routine/plan.
I have tried it is ineffective.
Advice not to fall in such option.
Long time diabetic condition affects body on long run with multiple problems.
Please cut down Carbs and include more healthy fats and increase your physical activities. Ladies finger or cinnamon or beetel leaves can be part of your diet. In my case, none of the above had a great impact on my BS
it is healthy to eat but nothing to do for diabetes
to some extent yes .. ladies fingers are full of mucus which helps in glucose intake delay