National Health Service to offer 800 calori... - Diabetes India

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National Health Service to offer 800 calorie meals to reverse type 2 diabetes

10 Replies

Hi everyone. This has been on the news this morning and it looks good news to me for type 2 Diabetes sufferers, so here's a link to the article(s) on the BBC Guardian Independent:

10 Replies

The same can be taken in solid form to achieve the goal . In fact it is advisable to take 1200 calories per day after growth period is over . It takes about 6 months to get rid of diabetes with out medicines and with out strenuous exercises , with out feeling weak and hungry .In cold climates it is rather easy to go on liquid diet and with 800 calories . It is not easy to maintain the same in countries like India for too long or life long .

Actually minimum calories needed with sedentary work also is 1400 for women and 1600 for men . Less than that robs away the strength in body and interest in life . Like I have always been insisting the so called research studies vary from time to time . For nearly 40 years they have insisted that fat should be eliminated from diet . Now for the past 10 years they have been singing the glory of high fat diet .The high fat diet , might give good results in the initial 10 years . Then slowly the truth settles down . TRIGLYCERIDES count gets disturbed .The only solution for any disease whether it is diabetes , cancer ,ADHD , Parkinson's or schizophrenia or bipolar is restricting the intake of calories while taking care of all the nutrients . This definitely removes any health problem since all these are autoimmune diseases for which no medicine is detected so far .The prescribed medicines just act superficially and give relief from symptoms . Even insulin injections promote the insulin resistance in course of time . Incase of diabetes type1 , there is no other go except taking insulin .

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to

My Dear Coffee day

Great! Please keep it up ! 👍

Along with keeping a tab on carbs count , we need to be mindful of overall calories intake in a day. So calories count is equally important to remain healthy.

in reply to namaha

Thank you for your reply . What I want to impress upon is , just as too many calories cause a problem ,too little also cause more than one problem . In course of time the immunity power decreases beyond repair with too little food or totally imbalanced food . We can't compare our bodies with the bodies of animals , usually on which experiments are made. Even among humans also the factors like race , climate , genes , quality of water , air , play a big role in deciding the quantity , quality & variety of food .some times in the same family also the same food causes different symptoms .

suryakaizen profile image

I really liked your post Jerry

namaha profile image

Hi Jerry !

Good news for you guys living in UK that the govt is making all out efforts to fight T2.

Can you please find out and post the nutritiinal content of this 800 Kcal diet in terms of macro's and micro's.

But perhaps this is only for T2 D people with High BMI's !

The Skinny T2 D with low BMI's - as low as 18-19 may not be able to live with 800 kcal per day. While blood sugar may come down but they would become more skinny and the BMI may drop further which could be fatal.

in reply to namaha

Hi namaha, here's article about the trial:

I hope this helps as it's in depth...and it is for type 2Diabetics coupled with obesity. 😊

namaha profile image

Dear Concerned

Agree with your views.

But even with negligible carb intake, if you eat excessive fat (calories more than Your BMR), You can still have high high triglyceride!

namaha profile image

Dear Jerry

Thanks for the info !

I have few questions in my mind. Request all to comment !

(1) Indian Diet is mainly grain based and we all eat a lot of Rice, Wheat, potatoes , vegetables, fruits, etc and so we say more carbs leads to insulin spike and then insulin resistance which results in Type 2 in India .

But i thought people in UK mainly eat a variety of meat, egg, cheese which are mainly fat based with high protein. Then why T2 , obesity is creating havoc in UK ??

May be apart from diet, other life style conditions such as sedentary life, eating junk food in fast food outlets, mental stress , etc also are also responsible

(2) all clinical trials are being conducted for T2 D with obesity. Unfortunately Even the basic diabetic drug like Metformin are designed to reduce body weight.

But I read somewhere that 40% T2 D in the world population are skinny, thin built and are with low BMI. Unfortunately I don't find a single clinical trial for Skinny diabetes with an objective of controlling blood sugar and at the same time preserve body weight.

(3) Finally we have practical solutions for T2D with obesity such as Go for Keto, Low calorie diet, reducing eating frequency , IDM, etc etc. which if practised by a skinny low BMI T2, results in to further weight reduction. Metformin also reduces weight. Metformin does not care whether your are obese or skinny!

in reply to namaha

So it boils down to one thing . Over weight alone is not the sole cause of diabetes . Not having enough sleep , tension &anxiety , polluted environs , pollution in food , air , water light , even in medicines ,etc all causing this phenomenon . Yes it is a phenomenon and not disease . Insulin , medicines prescribed for blood pressure , high sugars all lead to further hike in blood glucose levels .If all people except T1 ,stop medicines , take organic food as much as possible ,do yogasanas and pranayama , definitely the problem gets resolved .We have to move close to nature as much as possible .If one generation suffers with diabetes , the next generation is getting attacked by psychosomatic diseases . At this rate in another 10 years we don't find a single healthy person . Now as per the statistical data one in three is suffering with diabetes and one in three is dying with adulterated or wrongly prescribed medicines .The fertility rates are also going to fall drastically in another 10 years .This is not exaggerated statement . Let the medical fraternity get up and observe honestly the wrongs done by them.

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