Is there anyone in this group who has a long diabetic history, please share your story with us, your story will motivate to those people, who are currently diagnosed as a diabetic or prediabetic.
Please do share your story with us!! - Diabetes India
Please do share your story with us!!

I've been a Type 1 Diabetic for 36 years. There's been some odd moments, but life is still good considering what it could've been like. For me, I was born in 1980. I'm 38 years old and using insulin pens with a CGM system and being on a low carb high protein diet to help control the blood sugars. Life has changed in the last 38 years, so yes, I'm pretty happy with how things are going in general as a diabetic who has a job that keeps me very active during the week.
You are inspiration to us.
But didn't you have any issues with high protein as some people are apprehensive of that .
Activity 2004!
Long are our asset ..people will understand you and will take inspiration.
Me also diabetic since from 1995(23 yeas have been gone).
ALHAMDULILLAH ,I really enjoyed my life . Since then I am on tablets. My HBA1C always remain 7or little bit lesser. And I eat everything but in low quantities.

It will be hard to find persons with a history of Type 2 diabetes over 40 years. Reason being majority of type 2 were 50 years old or so when they may have become diabetic, therefore they would be over 90 year old now- not likely to be in this group. Type 2 diabetes hitting at young age between 25 and 40 is a recent phenomenon.
Type 1 or juvenile diabetes is less than 10 % of the total diabetic population. Number of T1D in India is even lower. Therefore, we are not likely to find many on this platform with that long D-history. HOBIEONE is the only one that we know has been T1D for the last 52 years.
May I suggest you edit your request - just say long diabetes history.
There are people over 40 years of diabetes on this forum. Myself over 35 years diabetic living a perfectly normal life.
with normal or abnormal , I mean differently abnormal diet ?
I have been a diabetic type 2 since 1987 I am 65 yrs old and retired from govt. Job. Now I am on insulin from last 6-7 yrs. I'm following LCHF and walk 30- 40 minutes. My sugar levels up-to normal. From 2-3 yrs I am feeling numbness in my feet and constipation occasionally.My medicine Teniva M Fort 1 daily and Apidra 14-12-10,Lentus 28 daily. Please suggest me.
I am diabetic since 1998. My age is 68 years. Height 5 f, 10 inches. At present I take Glypride 2 mg BD. Galvus Met (50+850) before break fast, Roimet 850 mg OD before dinner, and Winofit OD. The BS levels are 120 Morning and 170 after lunch. The BS level is almost same since last three months. The H1AC is 7.0. My weight has reduced from 75 Kg to 73 Kg in last one years and feeling weakness. Please suggest some remedies of these problem.
i have been a type 2 diabetic patient for the last almost 20-25 yrs. My left major toe was amputed in the year 2011 and I was put on insulin for about 5-6 yrs. In the year 2015 I had undergone CABG. for the last 2years my insulin was stopped by my doctor and Iam only on medicines .Life is pretty happy.
I was found type 2 diabetic when I was 49 years old and now I am 78. For the last 10 years I am on Insulin and diet restrictions with reasonable exercises. I still manage matters myself and even drive my car.
Like to share the story of living example, my father now aged 78yrs has been living with diabetes(t2) from his 30's. Even though at that time he had minimal diagnostic devices, my dad controlled with exercise, but was poor on diet. Our life was quite normal throughout those years until , up to 2003 when he had a major heart attack and CABG at his 60's.
From that time we switched to insulin and its much pretty bumpy ride to date. Even though he has now multiple issue like kidney, prostrate and cardiac as ages, with a ton of medications, but he is alive and with us. Although he is now stable, it had cause us tremendous blow on both financial and mental state.
What I like to share is the importance of prolonged care of diabetic when we age. Especially avoiding the complications of organ(Heart, Eye, Kidney) damage it can cause is serious, which itself will be complicate to manage with diabetes. So always monitor your sugar levels with yearly checkups of all organs like heart, eyes, kidneys etc.
No idea as to how long I was having pre-diabetic symptoms. People were not so much aware of things as in present era. I remember that I went to a doctor complaining of frequent urination as well as fatigueness and thirst by noon when I used to be in fields. He asked me to go for a test and I found out that it was a diabetic condition.
I congratulate each and everybody who are optimistic about life and challenge diabetes by controlling carb intake alongwith other excercises and pranayam.keep on living.Life is beautiful.Thanks.
D2 since 18 yrs with hypertension,ischemic heart(failed treadmill test,advised angio)early kidney failure(leg swelling).started with glimiperide 2mg with metformin1gm a day,progressed to 3mg glimulin,added 100mg sitagliptin recently, and now on insulin mixtard 10 units evening.
on low carb veg diet, altered lifestyle to keepBP and Cardiac pain in control. presently 75 yrsold
Myself T Velkumar aged 58 went for a glucose tolerance test and understood am a diabetic.This was 15 years before
Had duodenal ulcer due to prolonged use of aspirin drugs.Then started visiting web sites to understand my disease. Then stopped aspirin and statin drugs. Following lchf and intermittent fasting. Taking gluconorm g1 in the morning and night. Occationally taking ALA and Coq tabs.My latest Hba1c 6.exercise for 30 minutes.Now more active than before 5 years.