Why is there a rise in my blood sugar level even though I haven't eaten anything and done my workout also? Please advise.
FBS 101 and after workout (burning 400 cals... - Diabetes India
FBS 101 and after workout (burning 400 cals.) BS level is 123

Hi Shri9 ,
Some people, after exercise tends to have an upward trend for a few hours and then the numbers start to go down lower. To be on the safe side of things, please eat a small snack with some carbs. so you don't drop severely low after working out. Did your doctor say what type of exercise you can do each day? If you are to exercise each day, do the exercise routine at the same time so the body has a chance to get use to the exercises you do. Also, this helps with the prediction of the blood sugars each time you check. I hope this helps.

Diets are not the only source for blood glucose level to rise. Our body is a glucose factory it makes sugar even when we stay on fast and that is a very good thing because brain needs glucose to function. Our lever produces glucose from stored glycogen as and when required. When we do intense exercise we create primary stress hormone called cortisol and an elevated level of cortisol is known to raise blood glucose.
That is one reason why a diabetic should be more careful while doing intense exercise. Anyway, a bs level of 123 should not be much of a concern. But yes, it is good to know what is happening to BS due to exercise.
Activity2004 Praveen55
But if i take breakfast BS level will go up.. maybe beyond 140. It will come down eventually but is it okay? Is this happens for non diabetic also? If i want to take intense what should be done before / after excercise ?
I guess you got the satisfactory answers from group members. I do not see any reason for concerns with your numbers. You can continue as you are doing. If you are on medication then you will need to be more careful to avoid hypo situation. Keep monitoring your BS till you can predict very closely.

When you start exercising,you need additional calories.Sensing the higher demand,the liver automatically releases glucose and the pancreas also releases insulin to facilitate metabolism of the higher glucose levels, so that you can burn those calories.Your liver appears to be doing a good job of balancing the sugar levels.Slight increase will abate soon enough.There is a lot of science involved in this but ,as a layman,this is what I understand.For academic interest,why not consume a light snack,do your exercise and see the BS level?I am sure you will be surprised.
I am happy that you are measuring calories in your work out. Body producing sugar and insulin for meeting the calorie requirements has been explained well by our friends in the group.
As has been obliquely pointed out by some friends, going for a work out in empty stomach is dangerous for Dibetics. There should not be long gap in food intake particularly in the morning. If you are in the habit of long walks for burning 400 calories, suggest you should take your proper diabetic breakfast. However you should do this with monitoring and medical advise. Age, physical and medical conditions differ from person to person. One should be careful.
From what you wrote, you seem to be in right track.
When you exercise without consuming food, your blood sugar level will be lowered. If it is falls below the normal level, glycogen stored in the liver and skeleton tissue will be converted (Glycogenolysis) and released in the blood as glucose. This will cause elevation of blood sugar.
I think you may be drinking water or some fluid during workout
Remember drink water before workout or after workout
Try it ...
How it affects BS level?
That I don't know even I had experienced it
I had been doing all this research
Once I checked my BS before workout it was 115
Now I did 60 minutes high intensity workout after workout I checked myBS reading was 175 I consumed 1 litre water in small sip during 60 minutes of workout
Next day I again did same preworkout check BS was 109 again I followed same workout but that day my BS post workout was 78 that day I had not drinked water
I did this on many days and the result was same and now I don't drink anything during workout
And My BS remains at good level u can try in your case also and adjust the lifestyle
I am glad to see your post. I have had similar issues but with yoga. My fasting sugar is usually around 110-120 which it has been consistent for a long time. For a total of 20 mins, I do Kapalbhati, pranayam & suryanamaskar after I wake up ( empty stomach and before breakfast). 15 mins after completion of yoga, my sugar levels are around 125-135.
Same yoga I do in evening around 5.45 pm for 20 mins. My sugar levels drop min. 50-60 points within 15 mins of completing yoga.
I couldn't figure out why this is happening. It was also interesting to see Hamdaan experience of not taking water during work outs and have a steady drop in sugar levels. Thanks for sharing the insight !
Another unique situation I experienced is with usage of a herbal tablet "Berberine". I would take 2 tablets ( 450 mg each, total 900 mg) 45 mins before lunch and same 2 tablets 45 mins before dinner. My fasting sugar dropped by 80-100 points - before berberine ( no allopathy medicines added initially) my fasting was 280 and after these 4 tablets a day it dropped to 180. But since it wasn't coming to normal, I switched to glimeripiride (1 mg after breakfast) and 250 mg glyciphage ( immediately after meals) and sugar levels are consistent at 110-120 ( yes i know its not below 100). Strange part here is from the time I added allopathy medicines, berberine isnt working on my body at all! Berberine usually works very well when you combine them with allopathy medicines - I tried various options like before & after breakfast, before and after meals but none seems to be working ! So for now I am sticking to allopathy, yoga and organic ( wheatgrass, apple cider/jamun vinegar, spirulina, chlorella, raw honey) concoction ! Every 3 months, i do take alpha lipoic acid 600 mg ( after lunch) for about 45 days. Keeping pH alkaline ( unfiltered, unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar/Jamun Vinegar) is a good thing for every individual including diabetics and i try my best in doing that which also means avoiding acidic foods like pizza pasta burgers rice snacks sweets fried foods soda etc.
Have tried Madhunashini Vati (Patanjali) which does drop 30 points - 2 tablets, 60 mins before each meal. I have seen it to work very well with some other diabetic friends/family members where it has dropped 60-80 points and kept fasting sugar normals without allopathy medicines! Perhaps my body still has high insulin resistance that cant be managed by berberine/madhunashini vati.
I just recently read about Zoryl MV2 (Allopathy Medicine) that combines glimeripride, metformin & vogilbose (dont remember exact name of this third medicine) but haven't discussed with my doctor yet. Could be interesting if it works well.
Yoga and gym exercises are different but I was always intrigued by this and hence shared with all of us.
Wish you all a happy and healthy life always !
Try intermittent fasting and do high intensity exercise instead of or in addition to yoga. Soak 10-12 paneerphools overnight and take that strained water at morning. It is better than all other herbs. It will definitely bring your fasting numbers down.

Thanks Nilesh, when in USA I used to go to Super Slow Zone ( High Intensity Training) which is expensive. Went for 2 years with a fitness trainer - great results from physique perspective but no difference to sugar levels.
Intermittent fasting - hasnt worked either. I certainly will look up for paneer phool!
Thank you! I tried berberin but its no longer showing results while taking allopathy medicines. I do agree berberin is a great supplement and really works otherwise !
Medical/Pharma lobby is too powerful to let herbal or non patentable technologies commercialize. Part of the challenge also lies with Berberin which worked very well but with allopathy (in my case) it stopped showing results. Gymnema is used in many ayurvedic medicines and I am not surprised to see its positive impact on diabetes patients. I just wish Madhunashini would work in my situation - ashwagandha is good but its dosage needs an ayurvedic practitioner inputs. I know I was voluntarily taking 1-2 tablets a day and it lead to frequent urination- had to stop it and in few days issue was gone. But I agree it is a great medicine for taking away stress and over all well being ( giloy as well).