My mother aged 72 has Type 2 diabetes for 20 years plus. She has multiple disc issues and unable to walk. We tried Ayurveda treatment for her disc. Ayurveda medicines brought down her sugar levels. Is it safe to consume both allopathy and Ayurvedic medicines together ?
Allopathy and Ayurveda : My mother aged 7... - Diabetes India
Allopathy and Ayurveda

Hi Manoj1111 ,
Has your mother seen her doctor about using both types of medications together? If she hasn't, please have her call the doctor and schedule an appointment to discuss the option to be on the safe side before doing anything. Also, tell the doctor that you want to sit in on the appointment so you can get some of the questions answered and be her support.
initially it will bring down, check the hba1c value and move further. it is mostly lifestyle changes that matters.
hi... absolutely correct question .. well, this depends on the potency and dose of standardized herbs your mom is consuming along with the dose of allopathic drug... For example : if she is consuming Gymnema Sylvester or withania coaglans or any polyherbal formulation along with allopathic glimepride +metformin then surely the blood sugar levels will fluctuate drastically... you need to stabilise the levels by constantly checking glucose level at home with adjustments in allopathic drug dose..
Ayurvedic medicines are rubbish.If you don't believe try it then come back to join allopathic drugs.
Diabetes can only be controlled by allopathic medicines.
Am not here to argue with people who live in their own imaginative world...In today's world most of the problems are due to lifestyle including diabetes...and to answer you just try any of these gerbs namely costus igneus, porterocarpus marsupium, or withania coagulans, or Gymnema etc with 20ml purified cows urine.... i dont need to correct my self because i am welversed with pharmacology allopathic drugs and medicinal herbs... and for your information these allopathic methods has arrived from natural products only.... but yes regular excercise and the diet you consume is similarly is up to you.
Hello doctor, my father aged 58 is having diabetes and bp problem both. He is taking both allopathy and ayurvedic medicine. For last 1 week, there is large fluctuations in his fasting sugar level between 150-200. In ayurvedic, presently he is taking BGR34, along with his allopathy medicine. Please suggest for any good ayurvedic medicine. And amount of dose he should take along with it. And the diet he should regularly take. And how distance he should walk daily.How is ayurvedic IME9 KUDOS for diabetes.
Hello prasun, well here I also need to know what is his B.P and is he taking any medication for the same. Although I can not comment much here without looking into the detailed status, But regardless of the medications he is taking there are few things that he can do with out any harm.
1. if, knowingly or without disclosing to him, he can consume 10ml of distilled cow urine of any good company diluted with 10ml of water will certainly give synergy to his ayurvedic medicine. I mean let him consume the ayurvedic medicine along with this urine water. He can also start with green tea (2-3times) and pure aloe vera juice (max 25-40ml/day early morning) without any sugar or additives. these things will stabilize the levels.
2. He should start walking for minimum 20min in the morning and 20min in the evening..depending upon his pressure status.
3. As far as diet is concerned he should focus more on complex carbohydrates, nuts and protein diet. Restrict him for milk tea, rice, potato and starchy stuff. He should eat less but frequently.. like 4times in a day but less quantity each time. Dinner should be more focused on Raw vegetables and fruits salad.
4. I can not comment on any companies medicines... thanks.

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