What will happen if I don’t take med for the rest of my life? With this blood sugar level in my body what are my chances of a healthy survival ? I haven’t got any medical problem or symptoms so far... can I continue this ?
Fasting 148, after fasting 248 and I’m not ... - Diabetes India
Fasting 148, after fasting 248 and I’m not taking med for more than 3 years..

Well you know either way whenever you consult a health professional or you do a checkup. They are going to say something that ends up I taking meds for sure...

What is your HbA1c?
Dude obviously it’s not gonna be in a standard level.. why asking that ?
That may be an example for others that one can remain healthy even at the elevated level of HbA1c of XX.
Give me one good example where a disease caused internally (BP, diabetes, thyroid, etc..) is cured by taking meds... Well obviously it is controlled in years that you ending up in taking increased dosage... with major side effects.....
Over time, people who have diabetes and high blood sugar can develop serious or life-threatening complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, nerve damage, and eye problems. Taking medication(s), making lifestyle changes (e.g., diet, exercise, quitting smoking), and regularly checking your blood sugar may help to manage your diabetes and improve your health. This therapy may also decrease your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or other diabetes-related complications such as kidney failure, nerve damage (numb, cold legs or feet; decreased sexual ability in men and women), eye problems, including changes or loss of vision, or gum disease. Your doctor and other healthcare providers will talk to you about the best way to manage your diabetes.
I’m sorry to say this my friend... you are so threatened either by googling so many stuff or seriously taking the advise of Doctors... I agree you should know about your disease and you are the only one who can take care of your health... but I think you did everything using allopathy... find out other ways of controlling diabetes in a natural way... hint - you know one thing you can control diabetes even by simply drinking water OR by having water diet (go figure)
Fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL. (Maximum limit: 130 mg/dL.)
Postprandial blood sugar (2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL. (Maximum limit: 180 mg/dL)
If the blood sugar level exceeds 180 mg/dL, glucose will be excreted along with urine.
Your FBS and PPBS are above normal limit.
One of friend (a super senior citizen) has taken lots of drinking water. He later died due to over workload of kidneys and lack of micronutrients / microminerals. You continue your self-treatment at your own risk according to your knowledge and belief.
Diabetes has been termed as "the mother of all diseases" and sadly despite of tremendous research by the medical industry, a permanent solution for it is yet to be found. It is fifth leading cause of death world wide.
My Alc was 7.4 a week back.Have been diabetic for the last 24 years
I am eating a low carb diet.Would like to eat high fats
But apart from nuts , butter , ghee and, cheese dont suit me as i feel uncomfortable after eating themI love all nuts amd tolerate them well
I am on insulin
Can you please suggest some fat foods i can eat , apart from the ones i mentioned above ?
Foods that provide fat are butter, margarine, salad dressing, oil, nuts, meat, poultry, fish and some dairy products.

Please Google search for long term diabetic complications.Thing to remember is 'comply now or pay an exceptionally high price later'.Earlier in the first half of previous century, diabetics used to suffer gangrene even with a small foot injury.Think of other complications they might have suffered.Thinking differently is good but not without any rationality behind it.Please head to the clinic.
gwth elevated blood glucose has extremely harmful long term effects including cellular inflammation leading numerous CVD problems and neural damage. On the other hand, most medicines could have potential side effects. Its a trade off one should make with awareness and knowledge and am sure you are doing the same.
What you said is true my friend.... do you know any other ways of naturally controlling diabetes ?
The two natural ways that has worked for me are dietary and lifestyle changes. I quit grains and am on a ketogenic diet for the last 9 months or so and was low carb before that( low carb was not good enough as it got by BS only into the 150-180s for me personally and that was unacceptable to me due to cellular damage and signs of neuropathy and other injuries that did not heal) and the lifestyle change was exercise and consistent sleep. All these in my case, got my numbers down from PPBS >200 to < 90-100 and RBS from 140-160 to 90s and FBS between 85-95, occasionally in the 100s. and A1C in the range of 4.8-5.2 .
PS: The other dietary change I made, I forgot to mention is that I fast regularly mostly on a 16-20:8-4 IF and fast every other week for 44 hours during Ekadashi and fast 4-5 days once a quarter.
Hello, I can understand you are worried about your sugar issues but don't want to take medicines. So here you go:
1. Brisk 40minutes morning walk and evening walk.
2. No afternoon naps. Stay active throughout the day.
3. Stress can worsen your blood sugar. Meditate. Join some meditation classes.
4. Stop eating-grains, processed food, fruits, starchy underground growing vegetables.
5. Stop eating refined. Oil, salt, flour.. anything that says refined is poison.
6. Make up for lost calories by eating nuts, seeds, greens, veggies.
7. Have faith in Almighty.
In my fight with diabetes I've learnt that food is the best medicine. And faith is the biggest healer!
Good luck! Keep us posted with your progress😊😊
There are some who do not feel that discomfort of diabetic symptoms. I was active and healthy. Never knew I was diabetic. Suddenly I started losing my teeth. The doctor insisted that I go for checking the sugar. Found it was very high. HbA1c was about 9.5. I must have been diabetic for years then. I am on LCHF.I take very small medication. I have been maintaining this for many years now. Take medication. Start LCHF .Reduce and may be even stop after you reach a healthy sustained level of HbA1c. All the best.
I suppose you are much under 60, probably in 40's. I could manage quite well when I was 55 with fasting scores of 120, through work out I often brought down hbA1c to under 7.0 without an iota of medicine. Recently, I developed calcium oscalate which hampered my movements and now though I have gone for full dose of combinational metformin (metformin + SITAGLIPTIN), my hbA1c is over 8. I am seriously considering to go for insulin. With Insulin if we can live as healthy as Type I, what is wrong with that?
Thanks for your concerned comment.... I read all of them from this discussion... so to conclude with LCHF, excersise and yoga(my suggestion) I think anyone can control sugar without medicine.... do you agree on this ?
I joined this forum to see about some natural ways to control diabetes... but now I figured everyone is so obsessed in taking Meds and haven’t discussed anything about controlling diabetes in natural ways...
Of course no one is forcing anybody to do anything in this democratic country...ok I will dig deep on whether to take meds at beginning...
Any doctor whether it’s anup or someone who suggest LCHF is good example or starting point to control diabetes in natural way... but there are other real ways to control diabetes in a natural way... I wish you get to know that... one last thing my friend don’t get threatened or threaten by giving /seeing some foolish advise... (eg: to late, kidney disease, etc - everyone knows this by just googling so why saying it here?)
Well I already did my checkup this morning...its normal except my cholesterol and sugar level....let’s make it simple I will go with my natural ways you will go with whatever ways you have.....

diabetes is a debilitating disease where body has intolerance to sugar.There are no visible symptoms and one feels falsely he is healthy.But the various parts of the body such as kidneys,eyes.heart and nerves deteriorate and malfunction causing harm to health and misery.it is wise to control and not allow deterioration.by any means including medical intervention.
Am a vegetarian.But take a boiled egg thrice aweek.Alteady eat avocado yoghurt and drink skim milk daily
Have 3 spoonsof ted rice with dal and curry for lunch and dinner
Guess will have to reduce to 2 sppons of red rice for better control
Thanks for your reply
Yes i agree because i sometimes suffer from painful neuropathy - a clear sign of nerve and cellular damage.i will try and include ghee and cheese on my diet.Should cut down on the nuts i feel because of the protein overload and which in burdens the kidneys on ots filtration process.
Thanks Concerned for your comments
Nutrient food with reasonable amount of exercise , sleep , meditation controls any disease with out any medication .Energy we get from food should always be balanced with the energy we spend & no excess energy in the form of calories.
ave u consulted doctor.
galatfamhi me mat rehnaji
anything can happen dont play with body which is precious but at least avoid sugar and
morning and evening walk is essential