Dropped last medicine Metformin in month of June 2017.. and after 4 month today got blood report... which I am attaching for the comments from fellow learned members..
Current Blood report: Dropped last medicine... - Diabetes India
Current Blood report

Hba1c wise its great! You're doing well even almost 6months without medicine... wow! Another success story😊what all are you doing to maintain?
good to see such good format of report as well.. Can you post excel somehow i see preview but don't know from where to download this.

LDL - 115 ? may be high ? should be below 70 for diabetics and below 100 for
non diabetic ...
I don't know much... May be other members will be able to comment on that.
But for main stream ldl to Hdl ratio is important cardiac risk marker.
Tg/Hdl is insulin sensitivity marker... Near to 1is most ideal
Sir, Mr. Cure, where can I contact you?
What is the conclution or solution expected to emerge from the experiment of combining Low Carbohydrate High Fat diet and Long Wheat?
Actually.... To my understanding LW diet is also a type of low carb diet....
Like now I am 80kg...so per day recommended consumption is 80gms...and I am consuming 2 chapttis... So each chaptti is approximately 40gms...so it comes to same...
But very interesting part is my HDL... Which has gone up to 71... And TG gone down... Which means TG/HDL RATIO got better.. This means I became more insulin sensitive...
I think this is effect of LW...
May be my liver got healed?
Really don't know....
cure the quantity of LW I used to take and suggest/recommend others is 2 gm/day/1kg_body_weight or 1gm/BF & 1gm/supper per_1kg_body_weight_per_day.
If I am not wrong you wanted to maintain the low carbohydrate high fat specification. The lab reports justify your logic.
Sorry sir....then may be my misunderstanding...or may be
misinterpretation...but some where i remember reading it is 1 gm /per KG of body weight.
Anyways..thank u...now I am doing very fine...I will be always thankful to three..first is HU...thru which i met all of you... Anup and you...
I regained my health back... and now I am more healthy than before...
may God bless you and anup....
Thank you once again...
You are not completely wrong @cure
The last part of the sentence missed to get registered in many persons: "... ... per meal twice daily". That is why now a days I write "2gm/kg_body_weight/day".
Thank you for your prayers/blessings.
cure you have realised two things which others will find difficult to appreciate till they experience.
1, Reducing diet to proper level will make the subject strong&healthy only and not weak&unhealthy. The society in general think the latter way.
2. Even though LW is search rich asBread Wheat and Rice, it is not worsening DM; on the contrary improves DM condition.
What did you did to get this report? Diet, Excercise , Medicine .?? Please suggest .

Well I really do not want to go back to that life style any more...
I really understood that what I was eating was wrong...
Whether sugar will be elevated or not is different ... but I am sure with that sort of diet I will regain weight...
With low carbs and high fats...I am really feeling health and energetic...my All parameters... like A= Hba1c-5.8,B=Blood pressure-80/126,C= Cholesterol 205 are perfect... weight 81 Kgs..
I am so happy....never want to go back to 6 rotis per day...
Hmmm HDL 71 butter ka kamal... Bhai don't know... if it is butter or LW... but one thing now days changed to Ghee instead of butter...
But it is not me only who consuming that amount of butter...
And if it is butter... then it is the best source to increase HDL...
I can not comment on this with confidence...But even for me this sort of HDL is mystery....