What is BGR 34? Is it a herbal medicine? Any feed back from users here on its effectiveness in reducing blood sugar levels.
BGR34: What is BGR 34? Is it a herbal... - Diabetes India

Ayurvedic medicine.Just google search.
No effect after taking for 6 months, so I stopped.
Same with me BGR34 is having no effect on blood sugar levels a useless expensive deug
One member reported increase in vigour and vitality with BGR34. Not expensive.
See the post by Arupk 1962. about BGR34.
govt sponsored loot
True. I took for long. No effect.
I am 76 years old and have type 2 diabetes . I have been using BGR-34 for the last one year and i find my sugar levels at 110 and 140 fasting and post lunch respectively .
Majority of people have reported to ineffective.So taking majority it is sparsely effective.friends avoid carb and reduced medicine.Thanks.

There is enough discussion and controversy on this drug here.
Without adding to the controversy, I wish to give certain technical information on the drug
BGR 34 is prepared by plant extracts by keeping the old Ayurveda rules in view. This drug is developed by a council of scientific and industrial research (CSIR), Lucknow – India
BGR34 is an acronym for-B:Blood G:Glucose
R: Regulator 34: 34 active ingredients
a.It is enriched with 34 vital phyto constituent extracts and derivatives according to healing principles of Ayurveda.
b.It converts pro insulin to insulin there by increasing the amount of active functional insulin units.
c.It is a Potential DDP-4 inhibitor having cardio protective role.
d.its anti-oxidant actions protect the body from radical species that are produced in response to high blood sugar.
e.This is the most studied and clinically approved drug among all the available herbal agents against diabetes
f.It regulates glucose homeostasis by decreasing blood glucose synthesis and better utilization of extra glucose.
g.It reduces level of glycosylated Hb helping further to give a better control.
Allopathic drugs work by three main ways;
1.provide more insulin.
2.utilize insulin better.
3.avoid extra glucose.
Drugs like sulfonylureas (glipizide, glimepiride) increase insulin level by stimulating pancreas. More insulin enters the blood stream to tackle down the higher sugar levels.
Drugs like Avandia temporarily increase body’s sensitivity to insulin.
Thirdly, there are drugs including famous metformin that prevent high levels of glucose by preventing the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose.
BGR 34 claims to improve insulin action, which can help more insulin sensitivity so that cells can take glucose more effectively. One important mechanism of Berberine used in BGR34 is inhibiting DPP4, an enzyme which destroys the hormone incretin.
Incretin help the body produce more insulin only when it is needed and reduce the amount of glucose being produced by the liver when it is not needed. These hormones are released throughout the day and levels are increased at meal times.
Metformin does not act on DPP4 enzyme but is more effective than BGR 34 in managing blood sugar levels instantly, BGR 34 is a natural DPP4 inhibitor which can control insulin levels, which means less long term complications and side effects
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