Although the interaction between our brain and gut has been studied for years, its complexities run deeper than initially thought. It seems that our minds are, in some part, controlled by the bacteria in our bowels.
Although the interaction between our brain and gut has been studied for years, its complexities run deeper than initially thought. It seems that our minds are, in some part, controlled by the bacteria in our bowels.
If you see a thirty something man with gray hair, or a forty year old woman with balding head, or a fifty year old stroke victim in a coffin, or a sixty-five year old grandpa with shaking hands, or a seventy year old grandma with dementia — look no further than inside their compromised guts.
Good reference Mike
Basically, all diseases are caused by damaged gut. It is called "amvat" in Ayurveda which is nothing but undigested food. Imbalance of "Kapha", "Pitta" and "Vayu" causes diseases due to this amvat.
Ayurveda says that all the diseases enter through your stomach. Wrong eating habits cause diseases.
very true indeed! but then what are doctors for? If we all eat right as written in Ayurveda, a field of medicine will not be required at all, multi million dollar business of pharma companies will come to halt...and nobody will need to believe in God....ha ha ha....we are inferior humans and not Gods who have control over their mind completely like ShivShankar....right?
First human started eating unhealthy food. Then came doctors and pharmas. I think these chefs are behind the conspiracy 😝😝😝
they are agents of pharmaceutical companies...
I always say that the food companies were initially responsible for these mess
Pharma entered later on to enjoy this chaos and mint money
They were just bystanders but jumped in the bandwagon
Not both food and pharma companies are shoulder to shoulder to further their interests that case 'enemy's enemy is or friend'...we should be friendly with Milk...and milk product companies.....
Consume more healthy products....
पश्येम शरदः शतम् ।।१।।
जीवेम शरदः शतम् ।।२।।
बुध्येम शरदः शतम् ।।३।।
रोहेम शरदः शतम् ।।४।।
पूषेम शरदः शतम् ।।५।।
भवेम शरदः शतम् ।।६।।
भूयेम शरदः शतम् ।।७।।
भूयसीः शरदः शतात् ।।८।।
(अथर्ववेद, काण्ड १९, सूक्त ६७)
हम सौ शरदों तक देखें, यानी सौ वर्षों तक हमारे आंखों की ज्योति स्पष्ट बनी रहे (१)।
सौ वर्षों तक हम जीवित रहें (२);
सौ वर्षों तक हमारी बुद्धि सक्षम बनी रहे, हम ज्ञानवान् बने रहे (३); सौ वर्षों तक हम वृद्धि करते रहें, हमारी उन्नति होती रहे (४);
सौ वर्षों तक हम पुष्टि प्राप्त करते रहें, हमें पोषण मिलता रहे (५);
हम सौ वर्षों तक बने रहें (वस्तुतः दूसरे मंत्र की पुनरावृत्ति!) (६);
सौ वर्षों तक हम पवित्र बने रहें, कुत्सित भावनाओं से मुक्त रहें (७); सौ वर्षों से भी आगे ये सब कल्याणमय बातें होती रहें (८)।
Suramo, Cure
Living for 100 yrs is not a blessing but curse. No matter what you do, aging is inevitable. It is difficult to live with compromised body processes and organs once we go ahead with aging process...Better not to live so much, leave the present body before it gets unworkable totally and take new life instead!
वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय
नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि ।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा-
न्यन्यानि संयाति नवानि देही ।।
Bhagwad Gita 2:22
As a person gives up his old clothes for new ones, likewise, the soul also gives up old bodies for new ones.
Exactly, the same thing I wanted to convey it to you Mr. Cure! Life is not much a Soul can undergo torture...physically, mentally, emotionally, and in the end financially also after retirement, income is lesser and fixed...more inability to do even daily activities after getting older...etc.
Soul gets drained with life's problems. A person gets totally consumed. Soul needs rest....between two incarnations...two life gives a new energy to soul.
hmmmmm ok Ashka9 but again we have to spend so many years to become diabetic and land again in to this fight with @anup
I will be missing all my friends.... so let us continue with present dress for some more time?
Don't fight or argue..unnecessary waste of time and energy...and resulting into stress while visiting this forum when a thread is hijacked just to mention the same old importance of GOOD FAT in a diet!
STRESS IS VERY BAD FOR DIABETICS! It will outweigh any of our efforts to reduce blood glucose levels by eating more fat and reducing carbs....
Present dress has a definite shelf life....till it expires...we have to continue with all our friends and family and well wishers....@anup is one of them....but I would like to say that "ADVISE MAY BE FREE, BUT LCHF IS EXPENSIVE" HA HA HA....
hnnn...@cure...nobody would be interested to Kidnap brahmagyanni because it is too boring to talk about LCHF for even pharma MNC...they wouldn't be worried at all by such diet theory at all....because LCHF is more costlier than Metformin....ha ha ha
ummm cost is yes.... but eating lots of butter and almonds make person strong.... active.... and more vigorous..energetic....
metformin doesn't give that effect....
But at the same time.... all milk manufacturers are very happy.... they also chalking out counter strategy to protect Mr Anup Singh....
May be they are thinking to provide him some funds....and fully equipped team of reply and manage his folowers and queries raised by them
But dear Mr. Cure, one cannot gulp spoons of butter alone as been recommended in LCHF with no carbs at all...we apply ghee to roti or add it in a Khichdi which is whole lot of carbs....which we can't eat if we follow LCHF....I can't eat butter alone without bread or toast...and how many almonds you can eat a day? not feasible at all.....
Taking Metformin protects our liver and pancreas from cancer also apart from reducing glucose dumping by liver and increasing insulin it is claimed by experts in the field....though it reduces Vit. B12 absorption....sublingual lozenges of B12 are cheaper than almonds....we have to consider cost also....
We all can take herbal drugs also for diabetes from Himalaya herbals for some natural therapy side by side....and though it will be more convenient and cheaper than LCHF!
Firstly we should not take more carbs than we can process.
Ghee you can take spoonfuls or even katoriful. You have to develop a habit of eating fats. Carbs are not always necessary to eat ghee. You have to change your diet style. Ghee you can take as such, with legumes cooked in liberal quantity of co/vco. You can pour liberal amt of ghee on vati dal khaman or idli/dosa made with brown rice once in a while. Also you can add ghee to certain vegetables like cabbage. Fry paneer in liberal quantity of ghee or make paneer bhurji. Can take vco and ghee in turmeric milk. Millets you can use less frequently. Theplas made with fenugreek leaves, palak or bottle gourd - take with lots of ghee. Pour lots of evoo as dressing on salad, vegetables and legumes. Fry dry fruits in ghee. There are so many recipes you can take ghee and /or evoo liberally. You have to find out what suits you. Whenever i eat thepla or loaf or khaman / idada i take half a katori of ghee and / or evoo.
Find out what suits you.
For a fun fine. But majority people can't afford pure ghee. Forget dry fruits and paneer cheese. Dal roti mil jaye wohi bahut hai. It's easy talking about lc** diet than practising in reality for the lack of money.
Talking lc** is easy but carbs are the cheapest food. Our traditional diet is based on carbs. Ye anup jo ada/aha/ama se khafa hai but our own diet system has 60:12:30 c:f:p. Poor people can't buy fats. Vco 450-600 and more per litre, evoo i buy at 2250/ 5 litres from reliance mall. Not available anywhere in ahmedabad or very costly. Pure and cow ghee 500/ kg. Do you think a family of 4-5 with the head earning 10-15 thousand per month can afford these fats? How will they control their Diabetes? They are not small in numbers. I have been witnessing this problem of unaffordability in advising "healthy " food items ever since I have started practice -26 yrs. Proteins too very costly and for pure veg the choice is even more difficult with sky rocketing prices of pulses and legumes. So talking lc** and making people eat that diet are two different aspects. It's not that the people don't understand and don't want to eat but they have monitory restrictions. We should have a diet plan for us that can be affordable to all - poor and rich.
infact some one said...last week...they had a meeting at secrete location to make full proof strategy to counter LC**.... more details are awaited...
However every one agreed that one Mr Anup Singh is responsible for all these looses....
Now, if brahmagyani will read your above comment, he will call all his assistants to hijack your thread...beware Mr. Cure!
I don't see any one on high carb diet controlled on Metformin alone
Even if so the control will disappear as time progresses & they have to be put on SU or some expensive new drugs
People argue for the sake of arguing without any logic being applied
we have to accept that our system is compromised.....we can not digest carbs beyond certain limit...
It is very simple...when u can not digest...just avoid same....
It is not at all wise to force body to digest carbs when it is refusing....
I will even go to is also not wise to force body to digest carbs thru exercise.
Just limit the carbs as much as u can digest....
hahaha did u felt it bad @anup ???
hehe ye toh bhai bhai ke bich mein mazak chal raha tha....
aur mazak mazak mein maine uski tarif hi ki hai....
Two decades will be too long for present generation. My judgement is they will graduate to insulin in just ten years seeing the way the diabetics are undisciplined
My father was also a diabetic with high carb diet and pills. But he graduated to insulin after 30 years
He was highly disciplined with just 3 meals a day and no junk foods
Today many of the diabetics are also taking junk vada pav, samosa, kachori or even the junk Chinese food available at road side stalls peddling high carb foods with toxic MSG
Biscuits and chocolate available in a wider variety than two decades ago
With organization like ADA advocating sugar based dessert I don't see any hope
My father never touched sugar after the diagnosis
Such was the discipline
Don't see this in the present generation surrounding me
come on down ...while typing a smiley only.. face muscles gets relaxed and one get atleast a smile for some seconds
Its better not to mention the name if replying the person as it gives 2 notification ...a non optimised way you agree with this
Everybody has got a different style and different things to deal in life ...accept them with their styles ...
Though I have read this theory many times , but never encountered a person with life changing experience while starting fermented food ....
was expecting someone to share their own experience related to this topic ...I suspect either people are not expressing themselves faithfully here or nobody is experimenting on this
Why are you so serious? Is that the effect of VCO/BUTTER/GHEE? ..Just kidding....being humorous is a virtue not vice....just are getting stressed by my humour! Isn't that odd enough?
My humour might get me through my diabetes without insulin shots! But your try to convince other diabetics might create stress for you forever resulting into disturbed mind if not body because of LCHF!
I understand what all you say but I can't fight with my family for trying something which I don't find too convincing for myself. I can't gulp two spoons of VCO everyday...and I can't afford it also. Anyway, I eat butter and ghee everyday.
I know carbs are a danger for us, but I wish to live normal life and will take care that I don't go beyond threshold for my carbs intake....I will try to reduce it as much as possible. But my life is too difficult to give time to calculate grams of carbs or protein or fat for that matter for every item that goes into my mouth. I do not wish to give so much time either in thinking about diet or cooking my own separate meals because I don't think "eating" everyday is too important to neglect other important things in life. I don't want to go deeper into solving my one problem of diabetes and make my life and routine both too complicated because I have lot of other problems in my life to solve first on priority.
You may not believe but all happens as per destiny....people following LCHF may die early and people who eat normally which is as per you a balanced diet with high carbs may live long healthy life without any complications of Insulin shots at all! I have seen such people....being active and taking life easy with sense of humor has a more positive effect on life than just thinking of any particular diet all the time....For me, mind and soul are more important than physical body. I feed them more than my body. Do what you like....and I like STRESS FREE DIET AND LIFE both. Going for shopping separate grocery for me alone will cause stress for me on daily a family cooking would be common and not separate. Don't wish to take headache to convince them to go my way at all. Just go with the flow of life.
One more thing, I don't wish to live too long...two decades would be too much for me.
I hope you understood what I think and what my circumstances are....and if I am not wrong, most people would be having same problems as me....
You might be feeling I am blaming STRESS for my diseases...but it is a FACT....a real fact which nobody can deny....STRESS is the major reason behind all diseases apart from heredity.
Modern life has too much Stress running all the time...stress to educate oneself....update the knowledge for lifetime....find a good job....performance at problems, daily chores, coping up is not at all easy....HUMOUR in life helps making life simple and easy...
BEST OF LUCK for your NGO for LCHF. I am not opposed to it....but that is not the only way of life for diabetics. Health is a complex thing, to understand something complex, you have to make it simple first. My English teacher in school taught me this.!
@ anup
Don't wish to fly at all....just firmly grounded on earth....more practical approach....theory we learnt in school doesn't apply to live real life situations.
WISDOM lies in accepting other's views, thoughts and opinions also.
Please don't try to impose your hardlined views on soft people!
Hi Ashka9
"I do not wish to give so much time either in thinking about diet or cooking my own separate meals because I don't think "eating" everyday is too important to neglect other important things in life. I don't want to go deeper into solving my one problem of diabetes and make my life and routine both too complicated because I have lot of other problems in my life to solve first on priority."
This is true for many of us ...getting plenty of time of ourselves is hard for many of everyone of us got a different challenges to solves on priory everyday ...
thanks @Karch for understanding. I wish Anup would have same degree of understanding. He has become too involved with LCHF to think anything else in life. Health is a too vast a subject for anybody to ponder on. Nobody should behave like "a frog in a well"!
Ashka9 yar tum bhi.... LCHF is passion for anup....
I know wise girl like you must have understood the benefits of LCHF by now....
And as karch bhai rightly said.... it is difficult many times to follow LCHF when staying in family....
But chod do na.... LCHF uski jan hai.... koi koi log koi cheez par sentimental rahte hai.... chod do.... come on cheer up....
Did you notice one MAIN thing in this conversation since morning....? I just laughed and laughed at your posts and the great Anup's posts....u know why? I just felt Anup is STRESSED by my comments and I am feeling lighter....reading his comments because those are the same old expected comments!
I just wish Anup forgets LCHF for a moment and if possible for a DAY! It may give him a lot more different perspective towards health, diet and life!
Dear Mr. Anup, don't feel offended by any of my comments...take it easy.....we are just discussing something which may not hold importance say after a day...or a month or a year?
I wish you also develop a SENSE OF HUMOUR ....Men with good sense of humour are more successful in life!
@anup bhai abhi jane bhi do na.... yar she is convinced about LCHF.... there is no doubt in her mind.... but some how she is not able to follow them due to various factors...
you know I have one friend... 75 yrs... retired from University Zoology department....he is fully convinced with LCHF... but unable to follow due to family and pressure from family....
Tum bhi yar jaldi jaldi karte ho.... she is convinced...and as time is appropriate she will follow.... tab tak usko chod do bhai....
bhai mods ka threat mujhe bahut aa gaya abhi tak..... I don't care.... yar this is just forum.... koi Bharat Bhoomi nahi... ke chod ke gaya toh dard hoga..... LOL
agar ban kiya toh nam change karke ayenge....
Bhagwan shri krshnajee bole.....
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृतं ।
धर्म संस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ।।
matalab wo name change kar ke bar bar ate hai.... lol waise hi mai bhi aunga...
So changing name and coming to forum is age old activity right from Mahabharata days.....
oh yeah Ashka9 brahmaghyani is not anup.... anup toh jawab de deta hai.... brahmagyani jawab nahi deta.... wo brahma ke soch mein dooba raheta hai....
hum jaise murkh log ke liye uske pas time nahi hota hai....
Idhar aise mahatma....ati mahatma.... Brmhatma gyani....brhmagyani....purushottam...bahut hai.... LOL
" I am still surviving here, despite all odds".....
Thats the difference which make you Anup and we We.. ...cheer up many times you laugh or smile in day ??count and let me know ...
Aankh band kar k Teen baar ignore ignore ignore ignore bolne se ....koi baat irritate karna band kar deti hai ...try it works ...though it sound simple
par teen baar us baat ka reply dene se ya uske baare main sochne se wo baat infinte loop mein chali jati hai aur cache se main memory mein phir permanent memory mein store ho jati hai
Yar hum sab log ek ho kashti mein sawar diabetes hum sab logo ko yaha laya hai.....
We are just trying to fight back.....
Sab log sath rahenge..experience share karenge...toh bat banegi....
Together we stand, divided we fall"
hmmm ...cure
...I think its not a fight ...its a journey...sath mein chalte hain to rasta easily pass ho jata hai ...pata nahi chalta
fight back wrt diabetes.... not fight within us.... fight within us is all on some different spiritual level.....
so I already call u सव्यसाची - Ambidexter, one who can use both hands with equal facility and effect. A name of Arjuna who could use his bow with the same skill with either hands.
A multitasker....
Good did not tagged me while replying
...very fast learner ...
A busy mind is a root of good mental and physical health ....I guess ...
I can not multitask without spoiling any one of the task in hand going back to my chores ...though I want to chat with friends in this forum ...but time is not allowing me to do the same
ignore ...ignore ...ignore wala idea kar k dekho aap works like magic ...BTW how many smiles last hour Anup ...are you keeping the counter
kya yar karch jada smile karega to uska nam savyasachi se 'Hasmukh' rakhna padega....
cure ...waise Hansmukh accha naam hai ...aaj kal koi aise naam nahi rakhta tabhi to stress itne bada hua hai
wo kya bolta hai.... chandramukhi ho ya paro.... koi farak nahi hai yaron.....
fight karnewalo ko fight ka bahana chahiye....
I am not provocative at all LCHF followers are over sensitive about the issue you wish to convince others. If others are not convinced, you get offended.
You all can perceive whatever you want...but leave room for others to control their perception.
How to deal with stress is a different subject altogether and higher fat diet would be better to deal with stress is a myth!
What Anup finds stressful is my comments which though not provocative hurts him....and he then nonstop starts his LCHF saga with data and all so called SCIENTIFIC findings....he himself has hijacked so many posts including my posts doing tarr tarr with the same old LCHF defending....not leaving any chance for other forum members to discuss anything else than LCHF! How disgusting this can be for other members who may not believe in LCHF for any reason whatsoever! I am not confined to a particular diet in follow...that is not my aim or goal of life like THE GREAT ANUP ....
And on more thing....we all eat healthy, natural food. We are not living in Western countries, we are living in India. We are not eating any processed or junk foods with chemicals as preservatives. We home cook our food everyday fresh and buy all our grocery from local market. We don't need VCO as a key nutrient. We can survive with butter and ghee which we have always been using since ages.
Diabetes is not such a dreaded disease as you all make. Just keeping oneself active and happy....may control blood sugar levels as well! I am not trying to reduce my STRESS by arguing unnecessarily with YOU or ANUP for that matter because I don't wish to waste my time in convincing you all what I think. I have better methods to reduce my stress than hitting a wall!
By the way, STRESS IS NOT A SYMPTOM but CAUSE of all diseases....this is my opinion and my perception as per my experience. Your thoughts might differ....
he he ...nice one ...banned for smiling
are yar anup ek bat.... wo koi bola na atherosclerosis is scurvy in disguise....
So just wondewring if Dogs do suffer with atherosclerosis???
cause dogs can synthesis c vitamin internally....
Did I say that in my any of my post Mr. Concerned? that yr belief is NONSENSE? Did I use that word at all? Infact, I told Anup explaining him why I can't follow LCHF which is not actually needed also but just for him to understand what problems might one face to follow LCHF.
But the point I make here is that LCHF IS NOT THE ONLY WAY OF LIFE FOR DIABETICS.
Don't put allegations on me unnecessarily for being provocative. I am not.