To induce browning in white fat to counter ... - Diabetes India

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To induce browning in white fat to counter obesity

suramo profile image
19 Replies

The study done on mice with high fat diet. Didn't take carbs into account for obesity.

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19 Replies

I don't know , whether it exactly is comparable to the case of brown sugar .To days' white sugar is composed of c;lear , colourless crystals . After extracting the juice from sugar cane ,it gets processed to eremove impurities through lime and heat . Then filteration and vaccum evaporation is done .In the next stage crystalisation and centrifugalisation is done.Lastly the sugar crystals are dried and packed . Some where along the line bone char is used for decolourisation . Bone char is a natural carbon In this process the original brown colour along with some nutrients get lost . Sugar is believed to be contributing to cardiovascular diseases , macular degenation , tooth decay and diabetes , .IN thhe anicient days , gud was used extensively with out having any bad effects on health . Until 15 the century , sugar was not known in the Europe . WHEN once the fever of processing , crystalising , de colurising ,adding preservatives has caught sugar ,original jaggery had become dangerous to health . What I want to impress upon is the composition of gud is different from that of white sugar crystals , which made all the difference in the health benefits of sweet consumption . Thus the modernisation and scientific experimentation has brought so many complications in the use of simple foods enjoyed by our forefathers . THE moral is if we go back and start using all the grains , fruits , vwegetables available in the nature as they are with out tampering their genetic code , probably we can regain health . Brown colour could be having some extra benefit in the genes. , which stops ir .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


D was known in the ancient time also. Ayu has great information about D.

in reply to suramo

D was there in the ancient times also . But not at this scale , and was not striking at such an early age as it is now .We should remember the fact that it was stated as rich man's disease , which clearly shows that the origin of the disease was extra food , extra fat . with less work as the rich usually are associated with.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


At that time the diagnostic facilities were not present. Still so much research done shows that there were large number of diagnosed people. Obviously not a disease of rich.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

Hidden, Suramo

Type 2 diabetes generally happens in men and women over 45 years of age (Adult onset diabetes) is a metabolic disorder and with age, each person't metabolism go down and even activity level go down as a result.

It is not and never was a disease of rich or people who are or were inactive, it is also not because of excess food. It is because metabolism of some people go awry for some unknown reason!

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


defective genes is the basic problem as per present understanding. Young and active people also get D. Wasim akram also has D though he exercised a lot and was a fast bowler.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to suramo

Stress can also be the reason for D and other diseases as well.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


I don't support that theory of stress. We are living very comfortable lives in the present time. We have cosy living, good transportation, healthy food and good knowledgeable of food. Health and medicine are in far better condition. Eradicated and or curbed many diseases. We are far less stressed than in the ancient time.

The fact is that we are losing genes - our genome is becoming short and also our genes have become weak in their expression. Many strong animal species have been eradicated from the face of the earth.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to suramo

Suramo might not have faced any stress or tension in your life....but not all are as fortunate as you are.

I myself have faced so much stress in life....that I can relate with it....I can feel it's effect on my mind and body...a strong negative effect.

There are positive energies and negative energies working in our lives. To combat negative energies, it is very stressful and it is said "survival of the fittest"....more positive you are ....more chances for you to survive ....have not studied about won't comment on that.

If you believe in Good, means Bad exists. If you believe in God, means Evil exists. Not easy to fight Bad and Evil forces.

It is said that any disease first enters our astral body and then physical cause of disease is not in our hands at all!:-)

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


Everybody faces stress and tension. I too have faced and even at present facing stress but then you have to find your own paths to fight them.

Ashka9 profile image

I haven't read or gained any knowledge from any organisations defending high carb consumption.

See, carbs control works after you get diabetes, to control blood glucose levels which is a symptom of diabetes and not the cause.

I think Stress and Tension is the main reason to cause any disease including Diabetes. People get heart attack when they get some shock without any prior detection of any heart disease or blockage. How do you explain immediate heart failure of a person who is normally working and standing just before few seconds?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


that's why it's called attack. But pathology is developing in them for a long time. There are complex factors causing MI and death. Even a person can get heart attack soon after a normal ecg or treadmill test. An atheromatous suddenly getting free and occluding coronaries or a soft atheroma can get loose and cause MI and sudden death. Stress has nothing to do. It's a filmy style to show attack on hearing a grave news.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to suramo

hnn...understood about heart attack...but then why it comes suddenly and in people who take care of their diet and do exercise....regularly...

so, in my view, apart from stress which can be included in complex factors causing MI you mentioned above, there is a force above everything which decides death of a person.

The time of birth and death is decided at the time of birth only as per destiny! No matter how much you are cautious about your D status frequently or even if you have reversed D so to cannot prolong your life by diet or exercise or by being stress free...time of death of each person is decided. Then why to worry so much? Just live life fully...enjoy food...enjoy discussions without enlightened on the way...through the journey of life....we do not know the destination!:-)

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


Even if we accept your philosophy to live a better quality life we have to take care.

Ashka9 profile image

So, basically what is the cause of any disease? STRESS...right? we might then fight with it with whatever mechanisms to cope with either stress or stress induced diseases thru exercise, yoga, relaxation or healthy food including carbs control but stress is always there winning away from all our efforts! As mentioned by Suramo, even Wasim akram also has D though he exercised a lot and was a fast whatever we do to fight and cope with a disease is just to help reduce symptoms of the disease...for eg. controlling blood sugar level in diabetes which is a symptom which everybody tries to control either thru carbs restriction or calorie restriction but diabetes goes on progressing with time.....pancreas work hard in diabetes so a time comes when more and more beta cells will die....bcf will reduce to zero....and well Insulin shots remains the only option.

STRESS is very bad for all especially people having hypertension, thyroid and diabetes....heart patients....and even normal people not having any disease.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to Ashka9


Bcf remains as per the script written in our genes. But surely we have to be cautious for the whole life and keep on checking our D status frequently even if we have reversed our D

suramo profile image


Thickening of blood is a story. Barring a few pathological conditions the blood doesn't " thicken ".

suramo profile image


Excess carb consumption is the result of deranging metabolism in the early stages of D and not the cause.

suramo profile image


Nafld is caused by fructose.

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