Is diabetes really a terrifying disease ? - Diabetes India

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Is diabetes really a terrifying disease ?

patliputra profile image
11 Replies

Many people when first told that they have diabetes,get into shock as if a lightening has struck them. A few go into depression. All this only serve to aggravate the situation and raise the blood sugar level.

Please remember that diabetes no such disease to be afraid of. It only leads to a better disciplined and regulated life. It very manageable condition and when properly taken care of one can lead a perfectly normal and healthy life.

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11 Replies
patliputra profile image

It is truth and there is nothing philosophical about it.

Diabetes noticed for several reasons    Hereditary is also one of the reasons If we noticed diabetes  it may not cure but controllable with proper diet  requirements and   good life style.   If any one of the above not maintained properly   the blood sugar spikes .

  Diabetes is nothing but blood sugar level in the blood is  higher than normal value.

 if we maintain it accurately diabetes is not harm to the person.

 Even though  blood sugar level raises higher rate   it may not problem directly  but the body organ like kidney lipids heart   and liver and eye problems noticed since  sugar level in the blood  to prevent the blood circulation freely .

  From diabetes no person has suffering but it leads  other diseases    If we control the blood sugar level in normal range then other organs work accurately  and no problem

  Diet is main role for diabetes But no proper guidelines  not have now days  Now available guidelines  are only for healthy persons.

  To maintain    and control diabetes  there are so much system in which ADA/WHO guidelines   LW/LWMDR and also LCHF systems followed  by most of members andthey have benefited  and controlling own  way


 IF WE NOT CONTROLING IT IS REALY TERRIFING  DISASES  It may not harm of  life of the person  but it effects

kidney heart and liver and  eye problems neuropathic and nerval problems

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Hereditary is just like loaded gun,but the finger which pulls the trigger is always our bad life style which includes apart from other things,our diet.

in reply to patliputra

 Hereditary is main reason but lifestyle maintaining  is important.

For example some of the members noticed diabetis but contrlking  less drugs and  daily routine work they maintained normal life and normal blood sugar level

 but some of members diabetic noticed  even 1 or 2  years they have  used drugs and also insulin but also not  reach the normal problem .  this may not happen to him for several years. 

  After several years his body organs were weak and start to damages  and he suffered  kidney problems heart problem leg  pain problems   due to nueropathy and ratina the eye deffect.  Doctor prescribed each medicine to each different disases most of them have taken more  tablets

 this is uncontrolable  diabetic

1    To avoid this they must think  the necessity of diet.  They ma test with glucometer eyery  food  an after consuming 2 hours test  b home itself   and fix which diet is suitable for breakfast lunch and dinner .

2  Most of person going to duty in 7AM and comeback  at 8/9 PM  Here there is noproper time walking or  excercises to do. this is also  some problem for some people. However  it may be some problem they must adjust  atleast 20 30 minutes   for excercises

  Totally diabetes i to be managed by o the person only and no Doctoror no one may not possible  to maintain diabetes

  For maintain diabetes diet 70 life style 10 % drugs10 % and remaining 10 % it depend upon heriditary aspects.

 if the person keep up  diet and life style 80 % achieved by him diabetic may nolonger problem  in his entirelife.

 If not  sufficinet this  then only he gotodrugs.  All three issurvived   thenheriditary aspects  may not problemfor the persn.

pandr1946 profile image

Precisely speaking the biggest burden for all men and women and particularly diabetic patients would be mental tension with mental imbalance Hence the best way of over looking this undesirable drawback to some extent is to stop thinking of ourselves too much and in stead  start developing a fair sense of sharing ours with others particularly with less fortunate lot And finally let us stop expecting too much from our own life and also from that of our nearer and dearer ones

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to pandr1946

Stress and strain of life precipitates mental tension,which is root of  not only diabetes,but also many ailments.

patliputra profile image

Living a simple and natural life can relieve all the fears. Have faith in yourself and GOD ,nothing wrong is going to happen.

jingale profile image


I have come across various BG and HBA1C ranges for prediabetes from different sources. What in your opinion is the prediabetes range?

jingale profile image

Not sure why an innocuous question got you worked up! Good luck to you too. 

jingale profile image

Dear Hidden  

I guess Hidden  can speak for himself. Please don't try to find offences where none exist.

jingale profile image

Dear Hidden  

I care two hoots if somebody is eager to be offended. I hope you realize that this forum is not the only source of information on this topic, and a simple google search would return more information than your patronizing reply.

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