Which is greater evil, FAT or SUGAR ? - Diabetes India

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Which is greater evil, FAT or SUGAR ?

patliputra profile image
16 Replies

It will be interesting to know, what forum members think.

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16 Replies
azharzaidi profile image

Greatest evil is sugar. All diseases are associated with it even heart disease, for a long time doctor thought it cholesterol but now educated doctor tell it excess glucose.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to azharzaidi

Fat and cholesterol are different things.

Ragivrao says is exactly accurate healthy person may have some good resistance power and digestion power he may no upset his healthy problem But other diseases persons or DM HBP ,heart problems it is difficult their health may upset and BS leve spikes beyond the limit

Further digestion power of the power reduces when the age of the person increases In D M persons also when the age increases the insulin production in the body reduces

Aged persons should stop overeating any thing particularly both fat and sugar also

Sugar or carbohydrates or starch to digest quickly so old age person BS raises immediately Fat to digest to take more than 8 hours and stored in the body For old aged persons eat protein more also danger it damages kidney problems

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

What do you think ,which is more beneficial, fat or sugar. Or reverse it which is more harm ful fat or sugar,where your vote will go.

patliputra profile image

Who will you choose devil or the sea. Question is not about excesses. If you have to take a little more, which will be your choice. Fat or sugar.

patliputra profile image

Can you please explain in a little more detail.

patliputra profile image

Any plausible explanation for your views.

patliputra profile image

Ultimately all carbohydrate end as sugar. Sugar is lay mans term for glucose. All macro and micro nutrients including trace elements are essential for a healthy life. But these things are besides the point.

There is no question of evil either carb protein or fat all are the main factor

For healthy persons all are equal role in human function.

1 Carb is main source of energy to the peoples It digest within 2 hours gives the strength to the person and helps to activate the functions .

2 In emergency cases , when the person is not able to to consume food in mouth then liquid food Gani ( cokked rice or suji ) in coma stages persons Glucose tobe given through veins Mostly fats or protein may not possible to given these persons ?

3 the question is how much of these consumed ? But more carb is spikes BS immediately that is why instead of carb Doctor advised to consume complex carbohydrates

4 protein is Important our body muscles and other parts strength If protein content was less our body may too weak Simultaneously if it is excess the person may have the problem of kidney damages But aged persons

5 Fat is also Important if not the skin became dry and most of our consuming food may not possible to digest freely It is called Agni

6 But aged persons protein and fat may not digest easily particularly DM HBP and hear problems both protein and fat is dangerous and it may also not possible for aged persons in hard form may be used .

7 Totaly carbo- hydrate is main food for all persons including DM HBP and Heart problems provided maintaining the limit quantity according their condition of insulin .

8 In my opinion all are good no qustion of evil or friend if we have purchase golden chaples we may not put it our Pooja room ?

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

A very comprehensive write up. Thank you. Give me some time to reply.

patliputra profile image

Indiacratus, it not about our routine diet. It about what we eat or drink between meals, like packaged food ,fruit juices, soft drinks etc. These all contain a certain amount of fat and sugar, whether labelled or not. These fat and sugar are above what we eat routinely. So here comes the question ,which is greater evil fat or sugar ?

patliputra profile image

Natraj Indiacratus ragivrao ,

The human diet is always evolving. And with evolution comes strong and focused criticism of certain foods.

It was only some time back that fat was seen as devil and it became nor to avoid fat as far as possible. But soon it was realised that going on NIL fat was doing more harm than good. So soon fat was incorporated in the diet,both saturated and monounsaturated. But controversy is still raging about quantum as well as type of fat to be taken, though a reversal of trend is seen that after all fat may not be the culprit,if no transfat is taken and saturated fat intake should be on indivisual need based.

On the other hand sugar,apart from what we take on our routine diet,if taken regularily is a health hazard and many health organisations have recommended to cut back on sugar. In 2004 Nurses Health Study found that the women who had one or more sugar sweetened soft drink or fruit punch were nearly twice likely to develop diabetes as those who rarely drank these. In children one sweetened beverage a day fuels 60% risk of obesity. Obesity is leading cause of many diseases including diabetes.

Now it is upto you to decide the culprit.

The purpose of this post was to create awareness about the ill effects of packaged food and sweetened drinks and fruit juices.

food psychology.cornell.edu/outreach/health-halos.html


Sugar in the forms Glucose , Fructrose lactose also so much think it is also carbohydrate ? Which is good out of three ?

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Sugar in any form is sugar.

patliputra profile image

Mr. Rao, thanks for the reply. But I wish to put forward a few things by the way of explanation of a couple of objections raised by you. First of all no one is glamourising Fat. As I have already said we require all macro,micro nutrients including trace elements for a healthful living. There should be no controversy on that point.

Here we are as I have said repeatedly,it not about the routine diet which we eat according to our choice, requirement and belief. It about in between snacks which is eaten by most people though out the day,whether in office, on walk or at home with tea or coffee or as a short cut food for eithe b.fast lunch or dinner. That means packaged food and its health value. Let us see many labels on these packages say either low fat or no added sugar or sugar free.

Now think of it how many of us read details on the lebel or how many of us understand the actual meaning of those lebels.

If it says low fat, what that does mean. It is well known that there are a few things which make eatables tasty and this includes fat,specially trans fat,sugar and salt. So I leave it to you to deduce the rest. In this light decide which is greater evil, Fat or Sugar.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to patliputra

Mr. Rao and Indiacratus , continuing with the above all of us know that glucose is the preferred fuel for the body. No difference of opinion here. We a,so know that glucose is stored in the body,in a limited amount as glycogen in liver and muscle tissues. A major portion is stored as visceral fat,that means conversion of carb into fat is an easy process.

Now in time of need when fat starts burning it is not converted to glucose, but in ketone for energy release. So it comes that conversion of FAT into glucose does happen but it is very cumbersome process.

So cutting short all excess carb will end up as fat and not vice versa.

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