stevia or artificial sweatner. Which one is... - Diabetes India

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stevia or artificial sweatner. Which one is better for diabetics

dinkarblr profile image
36 Replies

Hi All,

Can I use Stevia or Sweatner sometime. Kindly let me know



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dinkarblr profile image
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36 Replies
MikePollard profile image

Stevia is the better option, but weaning yourself off anything sweet would reduce any cravings and would be the better choice.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to MikePollard


Sugu profile image

I use it. This is a urely herbal product and safest. Keep away from equal and sugarfree. Stevia very cheap too. I get it through on line. The product is estevia. Need to put only a little as it is very sweet.

nanirama profile image
nanirama in reply to Sugu

can you send me online link where you buy it? I did buy it in my local ayurvedic shop, but its not good. Can you send me link? Please.

Sugu profile image
Sugu in reply to nanirama

pankajvarma1 profile image

You can always useful artificial sweeteners in small quantities. It may be in fact  better to use small quantities of sugar instead of artificial sweeteners. Remember, a spoonful of sugar has only 5 grams of carbs, as against 25 grams in a roti. You need to cut your total carbs and not just sugar. You can always make space for a few teaspoons of sugar in your diet by cutting carbs elsewhere. Remember though that  sugar has no nutrients (empty calories) and it is better if you keep a low sugar lifestyle.

Sweet taste is an acquired taste 

If you stop using it totally in tea and coffee that after some time you will prefer without sugar and will hate the sugar taste 

If u still want to enjoy then use stevia. Just a drop is equal to one teaspoon of sugar. 

Sugar is a white poison. Better do away with it from your life. 

in reply to

SWEET     TASTE    IS   NOT   AN   acquired     taste.. It   is  inborn .5 TO  6     spoons   per  day    is   allowable . If   needed    carb     count   in  other  areas`  can   be   reduced

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

6 spoons per day for a diabetic? Are you sure?

in reply to jingale

6 spoons    per   day means    120 calories   is   allowed  , when   the  overall`   carbohydrates    intake    is   assumed   to   be   100  .Diabetes   demands lesser    intake    of`   calories   but   not   total   abstinence .

in reply to

the   ideal    calorie     intake      for   a    woman is   1500 and   1800  per    a     man  with    sedentary    life   style  total.ban      on  carbohydrates`   is   unwarranted    and   uncalled      for .with  this     guide  line   5  to    6     teasapoons of     sugar  with   coffee     can   be  indulged in .

in reply to

when   coffee   is   enjoyed      with   sugar  somewhere   else the  carbs    can`   be  reduced .

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to

It is not just the amount of carbs that has to be restricted, but also the type of carbs. Simple sugars are very likely to spike BS for a diabetic.

in reply to jingale

That  again  is   a   wrong     notion       which    will  be   refuted   after   some   years . Sugar    may        be     having   some    additions   in    the   process    of   making . But   basically  it    is     made   from   sugar   plant .All  evils   attributed    to    sugar    are   not   because    of    sugar   as   it  is   ,   but   are  because   of   excess    intake. Any  thing   in    excess    causes`     some            imbalance in   the  body . Health  is    balance  and`  disease   is    imbalance.

in reply to

Stevia      is    good    but`   that`    also  has   certain   limitations .But     it`  has`   to    come     from   horse's    mouth  . We`     Indians     have`   to  come        out   of   the  cultural   slavery.  

in reply to


We Indians used to use gur or jaggery. 

But the whites put us to sugar which we still use like slaves 

in reply to jingale

It's foolish to take sugar. 

Wrong advise 

Better take a safer alternative like stevia. 

Lots of available options online. 

Just check that it should not have Lactose added in it 

karch profile image
karch in reply to

kashi2016....are you a diabetic?? and following the same which you are advising  " It   is  inborn .5 TO  6     spoons   per  day    is   allowable . If   needed    carb     count   in  other  areas`  can   be   reduced"

in reply to karch

I  am      a    homeopathic    doctor    practising     for     the     past  40   years . THE   advices`    I    give    are   based     on    my   experience    with   my   patients   of   all   ages

in reply to

You can enjoy your sugar 

But I don't think it's advisable to take a poison for which we reach badly. 

in reply to

how      can     any   one     say  high  fat      is    good    with   nil   or  near     nil     carbs. Anyy thing  in    excess     is       bad  includig sugar

in reply to

You are confusing two subjects dr Saab 

This thread is about stevia not fats 

Your anger can be expressed in another thread 

If u want to see the effects of sugar that take a reading. Give one or two teaspoon on sugar. Take a reading in next 30 mins and 1 hr later. See the readings. 

Do this with stevia and see the results. 

How can u recommend sugar to a diabetic pt that too being a dr? 

You should not use this thread to express an anger towards me. 

It's because of advises like this that we are facing this epidemic of diabetes. 

Uncontrolled diabetes 

Addition of lots of pills. 

Etc etc. 

in reply to

There   is  no    confusion .Any    food    taken    ultimately   gets     turned      in  to   sugar   and     where   the    sugar    fails   to     convert     in      to       energy  and   gets    stored in  the   body     is  the   problem . With    out    going   in`  to   technical    terminology  ,  I    Want to`  insist`  on   the    point   that   sugar     is   also  one    of the    important       ingredients     for   the      maintainance   of     health .  If    it   is     totally   cut   off   from    the    food   , if     energy    requirements  are     met    with   fats   and   proteins , especially    with  fats    , harmony`   is     lacking.All  foods    contain    certain   amount    of carbs. But    sugar   we    get       from   sugar   may not`  be   needed . But  from   the     point     of view   of   taste  and`  quality`   eating  it  should    not  be    avoided totally.In     moderation    it  is     not  white  poison as   they    call  it .Again  I   am   insisting    on   the   fact    that   with    in    the   allowable   caloric  needs  of  the`   body     if   sugar  is  taken  , it   does  not   turn`  out   to  be   poison.   I     made     experiments     with`   many    patients      and   concluded      t his      finding .  IT     IS    IN    no  WAY   a   wrong`  suggestion  .  Those    who    are`   brave    enough   can   experiment   this    finding   and    conclude .Metformin    or   the   likes   are  not  the  ultimate     solutions    for   curing  diabetes . IT    is    the     wise   and    judicious   selection    of  the  quantity   and  quality     of   food  ,naturally     given  by  nature.Coupled    with   right     amount     of   exercise , rest     , sleep    , mental  balance    and  stress   free     life     ONE     Can  have   a   good  life.

in reply to

Please refer to the above link to see how foods are converted to sugar. And how faster. 

in reply to

ok .

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

@ Kashi...

Dr sahab....I agree with can consume sugar and cut on carbs at some other place....

But one more problem...sugar is suggested that diabetic patient should keep sugar spike at order to avoid diabetic complications.Therefore sugar is not recommended for diabetic...

Further about stevia I tried but din liked the taste.As Mr Mike said its  better to wean off sweet taste.

I am not using any sweetner for last 3 i fully agree with Shashikantjee that it is acquired taste.

Now I don't like sweet taste.Isn't that better than stevia???

About herbs one must be always careful as we really don't not know the action of herbs.

As Cjuan says if stevia is bringing blood sugar down then one must be extra we do not know how stevia does this.

Hmmmm...Our aim is to be medicine free....may be herbal..homeopathy or otherwise.Certainly stevia is not food.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to cure

Mr Kashi.. don't take otherwise pl but it was very funny to note in ur reply....'I     made     experiments     with`   many    patients      and   concluded      t his      finding . '

LOL it is a well known 'Joke' Doctors  do practice at patients cost and never becomes experts in his life time...

Hey its joke

in reply to cure

thank     ypu 

in reply to cure

All    my  patients   are      those   who   come   to    me    after    trying    all   systems     of   medicine     with      no    relief , be   it    cancer   ,or   psoriasis     or     diabetes   or  any   mental  problem . Mine  is    a      free    clinic .  I    take   case`   history     in`   detail . I     give  medicine     after       taking  in to   consideration    all   the   details . Since mine    is     not     profit   motive       my    reward   is   their  relief   .From   their    side     it   is   a   bonus`    if`   they  get  cured  or   else     they   already    have     resigned   to    the   fate . So  I  tell     them   point  blankly   the     result    they`  can  expect  . It  is  not     an   experiment`     like   what    modern  medicine`    does`    in   labs  or    third world   countries .I    am   giving   this  information   to `   motivate    , at least     some    people     who  take  up  cases`     with`  humanitarian   outlook   and`   not     to  get  in to   disputes.

Good    bye

dinkarblr profile image
dinkarblr in reply to

you are right. I too don't like sugar and any sweats these days. But some time may be once in a week I want to take nimbu sharabat with sweat . So looking for some replacement



in reply to dinkarblr

True dinkar 

I made the statement as I felt the same. 

After giving u sugar for the last 6 mts I can easily have tea or coffee without sugar or even stevia 

The stevia I use is NutriValue Stevia produced by GrassRoot Nutrition Pvt Ltd located in Maharastra. Email: grassrootnutrition at

it sells it in a 50 gm container (dried herb) for 110 rupees. Great quality. 

Stevia is actually used by the natives in S. America to treat diabetes and some people have experienced a drop in their blood glucose on consuming it. The sweet taste is not the same as that derived from sugar or fructose so it is safe.  The body cannot absorb the sweetener so it is great. 

The Ozzie company that produces Equal, Sweet, has now included Stevia extract too and packaged in very convenient sachets.  But this is compounded with erythritol, a sugar alcohol like xylitol which hardly spikes BG, but erythritol is synthesized from corn starch, which may be a concern for some people.  Try to find one that combines stevia extract with xylitol instead.

So if you plan to switch to stevia - use both the raw herb and the extract.  The former can be consumed at home and the other can be carried in your bag or handbag and used in a cafe, restaurant, etc.  You can include molasses either in syrupy form or as molasses sugar crystals as it is rich in nutritional substances and it is much lower in GI than white sugar. Added bonus - it promotes good, sound sleep.  Goodbye insomnia.

For optimal health:

No WHITE sugar,

No WHITE flour, and

No WHITE salt.

in reply to


* 100% Natural Sweetener, Zero Calorie

* 25-30 times sweeter than sugar

* For Diabetic - activates beta cells of pancreas to secrete more insulin,   * Increases glucose tolerance in diabetic patients

* Helps control High BP, Digestion and Acidity, Anti-tooth cavities and   plaque

* Cardiotonic

* Anti- oxidant and also a wonderful weight loss aid.

* Anti bacterial,anti viral, anti aging

* Is a good mouth freshener also - keep it in your mouth and do not chew it

* Approved by WHO/FAO & US-FDA

nasrullah profile image
nasrullah in reply to

Very good infromation.

I attended a diabetes educator conference recently. 

A lecture by a well known nutritionist 

The person talked on all artificial sweeteners 

Warned about all the chemical sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose etc 

When it came to stevia it was mentioned that pts should exercise caution as it can lower blood sugar. 

Also stevia interacts with Lithium and that pts taking lithium should not consume stevia. 

Otherwise nothing bad was told about stevia 

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