as per my search i could only found the symptoms and reasons for diabetic retinopathy. but i couldn't find any remedy for the same. please suggest me with some remedy. is it true that the vision is totally lost? and if a person is having controlled diabetic still why that person suffers from this problem?
please suggest remedy for diabetic retinopathy - Diabetes India
please suggest remedy for diabetic retinopathy

I got my eyes tested recently at fortis Gurgaon. One test is photo of the retina which can be taken at various stages in life specially for diabitics. In my case it showed tiny black 2-3 dots. Costs 500.
For retinopathy,there is no medicinal remedy.Please contact an eye surgeon who has specialised in retinal diseases.Please do not delay,time is of vital importance.
Contact qualified ophthalmologist and get sound advice instead of wrecking your brains for negitivity. Ratinopathy can be corrected by treatment.
we in ayurveda have some very effective remedies off-course. as an example you can call on 09405470055.
all the ingredients are available every where and are very low cost. these are JASHAD BHASM / FITKARI AND SHITAL CHINI. the formulation is very easy as well.
Vision, once lost, will be lost for all the time. There is no permanent remedy for the same. You should control control the blood sugar not to exceed 100 mg/dL (Fasting Blood Sugar) and 140 mg/dL (post-prandial blood sugar ie., two hrs after taking food).
You should consult an ophthamologist once in every 6 months to prevent further damage to your eyes.
There is laser treatment for this. Consult a good eye hospital . Onr of the famous hospital is Aravind eye hospital. it has branches in India.
Control your BS limits.Never allow BS to go above limits.Be under care of General Medicine and Ophthalmolgy.Excessive sugar can cause bleeding in the eye which can be controlled by Laser treatment and Eye drops.Consultation once in three months is desirable.Leaking capillaries in the eye is blocked by Laser application.