Iam 55year old type 2 dibetic, on insulin,my weight is 91 kg.pl let me know 1400 cal LCHF northindian veg. deit for aday
I am 55years old type 2 diebetic. taking in... - Diabetes India
I am 55years old type 2 diebetic. taking insulin daily,my weight is 91 kg.pl let me know 1400cal lchf veg diet for a day

I think more importantly,you should consider reducing your weight so that your Body Mass Index (BMI)comes down to safe level.Both for BMI and LCHF please search on this blog site.You will get a wealth of information.
" LCHF Diet " search it here or in Google it you get the Info as its been said already but in short You need to cut down the carbs to 100g and increase the fat content in food ( cheese , eggs , butter , coconut oil ) for source of energy insted of carbs you be getting energy from Fats and you will learn when u read more about it and how it works and it worked for me .
Never said any thing about your bs control. !!

None of the members following LCHF diet have experienced hypo with 100gm carbs. The problems arises mostly with those who only reduce carbs and don't replace them properly with protein and fat. (Calorie deficiency).
There is no evidence to prove that high fat diet cause damage to body. And it is not overeating fat but replacing them with carbs. LCHF diet reduces overeating. Cravings are for carbs and not for fat.
Dear all.
I am a layman. I do not know all abbreviations quoted above. I simply study the conversations and infer my ideas and take decisions. I took a decision to go for LCHF and my BS level is reducing although fasting BS is a bit persistent. Thanks for the discussions.
Dear Indiacratus,
I am 64 yrs of age. I caught with diabetes after my retirement. It was detected by skin specialist when I had skin problem. He gave me some medicine and after some time my skin problem was cured. Since I did not know much about diseases I did not care about diabetes until this health unlocked suddenly appeared on my email. After that I am religiously following and reading. I inferred then that this disease is for life long and should not be neglected. Reading conversations between the esteemed members of HealthUnlocked gave me inspiration to go for LCHF diet. Actually I do not know which all food grains and vegetables and in what quantity and what quantum of fat of what sorts comprise of LCHF diet. (who bothers to weigh)? I simply reduced intake of carbohydrate by half of what I usually took daily and started to take lots of vegetables cooked in higher proportion of oil/ghee to fill in the gap. I had ignored walking long back but I revived it since I have nothing to do whatsoever physically after retirement. So far, I have reduced by 5 Kg and hope to loosing it steadily. Even then, I am 30% overweight than permissible as per my height.
Thank you Sir.
Dear Sir Indiacratus,
As I have already explained, by following LCHF I am seeing visible effects. I do not think it is jumping from frying pan to fire.
Dear Sir,
As I have already stated that this diet pattern is suiting me in controlling diabetes and weight loss gradually, therefore, as a layman I am following it and thank you for the best wishes.
I thought you said that on LCHF you did not take drugs. So now Metformin SR is required for LCHF follower.
I don't know whether 250000 doctors do not practice LCHF but I have seen in my experience many of them going for treatment to Ayurveda Dr. Even Many Yoga Gurus also talk not eating the fat forgetting that that Ayurveda clearly defines the goodness of the Cow Ghee.

This figure of 100gm is not coined randomly. Most of the followers of LCHF diet have benefited from this figure. Some can tolerate more say 120 or 130. Some may go lower, even further to 80, 60 or less than 50. As you are explaining about 100gm carbs can lead to hypoglycemia, those who are eating that amount never fill hypoglycemic.
My personal experience with hypo was only when I was given sulfonyluria drug by my family doctor. And that was for 2 or 3 occasions. After that endocrinologist replaced that drug with metformin. Since then for two years never felt hypoglycemic. My point here is that on LCHF diet there is very rare chance of hypoglycemia and that possibility could be for those whose body is unable to process fat efficiently.
Have you heard that for snacking anyone will take piece of cheese or take spoonful of olive oil to satisfy his/her appetite? Never. They will take some cold drink, biscuit, cake or something heavy on carb side. This is carb craving and there is no fat craving as such.
What you are talking about LCCF is same in case of LCHF diet the carbs are replaced with fat. And here calorie intake is kept according to personal requirements.
Your BMI mantra may be applicable for Americans but for Indians not. Many of the diabetics in India are lean people with perfect BMI or have lower weight (myself).
Dysfunctional beta cells or deficiency of insulin has nothing to do with weight.
These people try to manage their diabetes with the help of their doctors but fail. I myself initially was doing what conventional medical practice recommends. But to no avail.(For diet none of the doctors suggested me anything).
You say that over eaten fat pass through urine in ketone form. For that there is simple test for testing ketones (acetone test). If this test is negative are you still going to insist the same thing?
When we are suggesting to avoid medicines, it is not for infections or serious and acute situations. If deceases like diabetes, asthma, CVD/CHD can be controlled with diet and exercise without any problems then why one should insist on medicines?
Haven't seen any person taking combination of drugs for diabetes and he/she is in perfect control of their BS.
Dear indiacratus,
You know how difficult it is to take major decisions in life especially if relates to own health. Be it right or wrong, I have taken my decision, of course with due considerations. Thanks anyway for your relentless efforts to baptize me to HCLF coterie.
The human body needs 2,200 Kcal/day for life acts - breathing, heart beat, digesting, normal exercise etc. Excess intake stares as fat or body mass index BMI= Height-Inch / Weight in Kilo. That is 91 Kg / Height 5'8" i.e. 68in = 1.39 to reduced to 1 then 0.09, 0.08.
Cal = Kilo Calorie so 1400 cal is 1400 kcal. KCal or Cal = per gram
1- 4 cal Carbohydrate/gm; 2- 9 cal Protien/gm; 3- 11cal Fats/gm
Further Wheat contains 1 item which makes fat stick to it so avoid all maida, suji, dalia, atta etc to loose fat. Rice is a better option. Please find out the details in Wikipedia and also for calorie consumed for each exercise. LCHF - Low Carb High Fat - advantage Fat does not easily convert to sugar. Your 1400cal / day will starve you so carry Eclairs to avoid Hypo-Glaucoma (Super Low Sugar) symptom Double Image/ blurred vision. Verify with Glucometer this must to also note your fasting BS and PP BS so you can understand the Sugar impact of meals taken. Heavy Breakfast is good to overcome all night fasting. Consult your Doc with Print Out. Also check LDF & HDF with Doc, <3
The body needs 2200 Cal/day to carry-on life activity viz. Breathing, Heart beats, normal exercise. So your 1400 Cal/day will starve you to Hypo-Glycemia (Low BS). Please carry Eclairs in pocket. Symptom - Blurred /Double image vision tendency to nap. Stop all activity Check BS with Glucometer - have sugar ( carry in Plastic bottle) if BS is below/at 65.
LCHF - Low Carb HI-Fat is good as Fat does not convert to BS easily except below.
Study Wikipedia for cal consumed per exercise & coitus.
Avoid wheat - (Atta, Dalia, Suji, Maida etc) as it contains a component which attaches to fat for storage. (Wikipedia).
Calories actually Kilo Calories per gram of Carbohydrate is 4.00; of Protein is 9.00 and Fat is 11 Cal. Consult your Doc with PRINT OUT. The effect of 1400Cal/Day will show in 5-7 days. Leafy Vegetables are good filling agents as Digestion takes place in Bolus Movement viz Snake swallowing whole egg, All the Best 09239422474 with love.
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