i have type 2 diabetes,my sugar was under c... - Diabetes India
i have type 2 diabetes,my sugar was under control for 4 years with medicines,but now my sugar is 211 how to qickly reduce sugar w/o insulin.

Exercise, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, no sugary products and no sugar in tea or coffee.
morning walk in speed, fast speed 45 minutes -------without any talk person to person or over phone
i m taking : morning : zoryl-m2,covance,nodon,fruselac
evening : glimestar m1 & minipress.
since i have blood pressure also.
are the medicines ok.my sugar level is out of control nowadays since last month i decontrolled the diet.but now i have conrolled the diet, Dr how much time it will take to bring my sugar level normal ,as i have to be medically fit to take the new job assignment, i had diet control since last 25 days.please advise.
fbs : 216, ppbs : 250, hb1ac : 225
Yes , "Life can be Sweet with Diabetes" But Not with medicines for control ,
because as I understand also from learned doctors ,each medicine is with some side effects so I do not ask him for what medicines he takes .
My Answer to his basic question would be :-
"You Can Heal yourself without any medicines BUT ONLY WITH Yogic Lifestyle .
,...."Diebetes or whatever else like B.P. etc is there or likely to develop in future life , will all be prevented OR Cured totally ......
Dear Friend, Just by doing YOG ( method Swami Ramdeoji teaches everyday On Asstha Chanel 5 to 7 am ) everyday .
Allot ONE HOUR out of 24 hours available to everybody , and you can stay disease free.This is not only saying but my own life experience... last 7 years , existing diseases including diabetes ,disappeared , totally cured and not a single tablet not even pain killer or simple medicine for cough or cold was required even in very very bad cold atmosphere ......that has been my Sweet Life for last 7 years since started Yog every morning regularly .
Dear Friend , Why do you want quick control? may be possible by some other medicine apart from Insulin .. I do not know . But any such quick control medicine would dame some other organ or develop some other ailment because after all that would not be Natural Control . i.e Control or healing by Mother Nature .
I am experiencing myself , also cured my Diabetes and other diseases like severe Piles , cervicle Spandalysis , B.P. etc without any medicine and just by doing some simplke Naturopathy remedies and most important remedy Yog , has self healing effect on Body , Mind and Spirit .
Yes, You can Heal Yourself
tusosa@gmail.com ( 9819852161)
Dr. Pramod he need to balance his diet and he need to control his weight 120Kgs is way high. what is his height. I am 5'10" and weight 163 lbs. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and that keeps my sugar around 130 with one pill in the morning after good breakfast.
No sugar in tea, no baraffi, no gulab jamun and stay away from high carb food and drinks. All we can get out side in the market is chemicals. Also don't eat Roti to hot it should be warm and chaba chaba kar khao
Good luck.
Dear dr Pramod,thanks for your reply,can i take this medicine trivolib 2 along with my existing medicines for sugar i.e zoryl-m2 & glimestar m1.
Please advise.
I agree with tusosa's reply. I myself has reduced FPS by doing Baba Ramdeo's Kapalbhati Pranayam & Koop Mandukasan. This will take some time but it is without side effect & this yogic remedies will cure other problems also.
Sorry ! Correction to my reply : read 'FBS' instead of 'FPS'.
The key to controlling blood sugar is in controlling the intake of Carbohydrates by reducing the portions of food( in small quantities) which may be spread over 5-6 times during the day.
Fruits like mango,banana,chikoo and grapes are to be avoided completely besides taking a walk for 1 1/2 hours a day.