I am suffering for Type-2 diabetes, last ye... - Diabetes India
I am suffering for Type-2 diabetes, last year onward, how to control my diabetes without medicine. please help me

You can check yourself which path is beneficial to you. People who have controlled their BS with medicines, after some years when they can't control it with whatever drugs they take, they try searching for any other solution then they find that there is no alternative to LCHF diet. Even after switching to LCHF diet you may need drugs but it will be minimal. Many have controlled their diabetes with LCHF diet. You can check it here on this forum and many other forums. Pl. remember that diabetes is not sugar disorder but is is a symptom of hormonal imbalance. So conventional approach becomes useless over the period. You can read everything about it here - phlaunt.com/diabetes/index.php
How is Rajma for a diabetic perosn??
As i told you that i am totally depend on out souce food as live alone...my lunch is having rajma since last few days & my PPBS 189, 180. You mean to say 100 gms of carb daily is maximum limit, How can i measure 100 gms carb?
You can find the carbohydrate % of most of the food here fatsecret.co.in/
thanks for advice, I have some personal details to share you actually diabetes found on Nov' 2013 and I take medicine continuously 3 months after that i cannot use any medicine for diabetes control, in which way i have to control my diabetes, please let me know (weight - 68 kg only) another thing how many months i have to check my blood sugar level, please advice
why are you averse to medicine? food is also medicine which we have to take. Drop all biased notions to prevent eventual torture to yourself and your dependents.
Like there are several kinds of diseases so there are several ways to cure them specifically. Routes are vivid from spiritual, religious, physical (yoga, exercise etc), food intake habits and of course medicines (in every system there are several kinds). In every approach you need to test with trial and error results. Overall it is the mind set. For me diabetes,BP and asthma are popularly known diseases but factually deficiencies for one reason on that count neither any body granted leave nor should any one resort to skipping any kind of duties. We are leaving with several deficiencies - (1) we speak, write, understand comfortably English of a nation several thousands of kilometers away but not the language of our neighboring states (2) we have several religious faiths that speaks GOD and we are VASUDAIKA KUTUMBAKAM (3) We have several subjects, books to study that are useful to everyone but in the name of time availability we do not even try to access. so and so on. Hence why not avoid worry for these popular diseases. Todays' world has given one more indication - instead of eradicating diabetes many products have come with sugar free labels. Hence stand up and continue with diabetes and if it goes away (Utopian thought) you must congratulate yourself but you cannot set an example for others. That is the pity. In case you want to shun medicines resort to yoga and praanayaam and also auto suggestion, as I said earlier, through trial and error procedure. I am not sure how far it can be sustained.