Beta cells of Pancreas to secret more insulin and also they become active. Any body having experience or knowledge for this connection, please.
Recently on net I read lot of information a... - Diabetes India
Recently on net I read lot of information about connection in between D vitamin and type 2 Diabetics. There it was said that D vitamin helps

Dear Medfree,
What about connection with diabetics? I am taking weekly vitamin D3 capsule 60000 IU Uprise - D3 ( 60k). Will it activate Beta cells of pancreas ?
The above capsule is to be taken for 8 weeks. I am taking 1 capsule on every Sunday for next 8 Sundays i.e. 2 months

D is most important of all vitamins. Deficiency could be contributing factor But it doesn't help to activate beta cells or play direct roll in controlling diabetes. It has many other benefits. Two years back I was D vitamin deficient. But now it is nearly 40. There no change in my diabetes status. I am mainly controlling on diet, exercise and only metformin SR.
Like you my BS is also controlled by same. However I just shared what I read.
U R right; very few doctors recommend Vitamin D tests; doctors morally bankrupt????????????