Whenever i am in stress my sugar level incr... - Diabetes India
Whenever i am in stress my sugar level increases, this i have noticed third time, is there any relation between stress and sugar level?

There is direct relationship between stress and blood sugar.The effect is immediate and may last for some time even after stress is gone.That is it always advised to lead a stress free life to control your blood sugar as well as BP.
Illness or stress can trigger high blood sugars because hormones produced to combat illness or stress can also cause your blood sugar to rise.
My fbs is usually 120 and ppbs is 160 to 170 but now my fbs is 136 and ppbs is 278 now stress has gone how long the effect will remain?
Nair sahib, It means stress and illness are also connecting with sugar like BP....
Yoga and meditation help a lot in overcoming stress, and therefore in combating increase of blood sugar.
Stress is the root cause of Type -2 DM.More stress released ACTH in brain which generates steroids in body leading to increase in Blood Sugar. so avoid it always
When you are in stress liver secrets less insulin so sugar level rises mine too same problem so i keep myself busy in work + meditation whenever possible and simple diet strictly no junk food.