is mustered oil good for heart : - Diabetes India
is mustered oil good for heart

Yes. It needs to be heated well for consumption. It can be called a poor man's olive oil. I am using it for more than 10 yrs
Mustard oil is heart healthy and has a cyclopropanamine compound that protects from cancer also. It has a number of other benefits also and is better than olive oil. Insist on "kacchi ghani" Sarson ka tel. Using refined oil is harmful for the heart, avoid it.
Yes, only if it's cold pressed. You can also Google advantages of cold pressed coconut oil
Can you please tell me sir whether is available acroos thr shelf in provision stores.
what is LCHF?
Pressed Mustard oil is the most popular cooking medium in Indian continent and is so because it is the most healthy. Various studies refuted the claim but were assessed on tests carried on rats unable to digest vegetable fats. Due to its pungent smell the European imports of Mustard Oil was restricted to use in condiment fashion and later told to be of dubious nature unfortunately.
Pressed Mustard Oil is sold as Kutchi Ghani Sarson ka (Da) Tel from most grocery shops pan India. Pressed is the older other process from solvent extraction of the oil with fractional distillation.
Our India is diversified with many regions and food habits of people. So for coconut oil is concerned, it is popular in South India, similarly groundnut oil is popular in Gujrat/Maharashtra/Rajasthan/Himachal/Punjab/Delhi and some parts of UP. In rest of the country, the mustard oil is very popular and almost every households use it. It has medicinal value. In the beginning, the taste may not be liked but once a person gets addicted to it, then he/she would not like any other oil brand but this only. Still, in Haridwar, the paratha is made of by this and it is liked by everyone after taking dip in the holy Ganga. This is not only used for food products but also for body massage and as hair oil. I c'ant say, whether it is good for diabetic patient or not, but definitely the coconut oil is not good for diabetic.
i am suffering diabetes since 2004. i want to know is Refine oil is bad for heart? always i am usuing refine oil. i am avoiding mustard oil. is this bad for me?