There is hope for all who suffer from diabe... - Diabetes India

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There is hope for all who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, sleep disorders, depression etc. ......

hansyoga profile image
4 Replies

Diabetes and other lifestyle / psychosomatic diseases like high blood pressure, insomnia, depressive tendencies etc. can best be controlled by Pranayama which is yogic life force control. Many people think that Pranayama is breath control, but it isn't that. Breath is merely the medium, what you aim at controlling is life energy which does all metabolism.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder brought largely by lifestyle errors, heredity and emotion/thought mismanagement.

You must also watch what you eat - take more proteins, seasonal greens and spouted nuts. This applies to other health problems like hypertension etc.

We must also meditate everyday. I have helped countless people control not only diabetes but many psychosomatic ailments with Pranayama and Meditation. With meditation, you will naturally develop a desire for what is healhty, and you will also think healthy thoughts. But before meditation can happen, primary steps of yoga like Yama-Niyama, Asana, Pranayama etc., must happen.

Among Asanas, Surya Namaskar which is a set of several asanas and extremely time-effective, works on endocrine glands, and eventually on the immune system. The results of these yogic techniques will be hard to believe.


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4 Replies
hansyoga profile image

Moderate amounts of protein with regular exercise should be fine. The trouble is people focus too hard on food and too little on exercise and positive thinking - the mental food ! We need a balance in everything.

ssampath profile image

how to come over from fear of disease and pain and i routinely do suryanamaskar asana,kapalapathi and pranayama separately and meditation for 35 minutes a day and also walk around 3 kilo meters a day.yet i am unable to solve the problem of fear of dis ease.Kindly suggest/advise

menonpkv profile image
menonpkv in reply to ssampath

Find the cause of fear in meditation.You will know that it is fear of death,You are not here to stay eternally.Give suggestions to your mind,Analyse the cause of fear,It is ignorance.

hansyoga profile image

Dear Sri Sampath : Yogic techniques are good and necessary but not enough. As you move higher on the path of yoga, the practice of the basic steps (Yama-Niyama, the 10 principles for right living, similar to the Ten Commandments) and ego-management become crucial.

Ego is a hard nut to crack and its lone dissolution is in devotional surrender. I would suggest you work on practicing devotion : chants/kirtan, reading from scriptures, introspective awareness, humility etc., and start living joyfully moment to moment in the awareness of being a child of God ; naughty or good, we never stop being that. Commune with Him in the language of your heart and soul, and see His hand in all your abilities, see Him present in each being and thing. So love and serve all as your very own. Day by day, adopt this approach to life.

Fear comes from attachment and desire ; when we are not anchored in the soul-security, fear haunts us. It is a result of body-consciousness. The root cause of all suffering is identification with the body as 'I'. Avidya (Ignorance) is complementary to Asmita (Ego) ; we all suffer from these. Change this identification ; you have a body but are not it. You are in the world, but as my Master says, 'not of it'.

Take care of your body merely as a good employer will care for his employee - neither neglecting nor indulging, and then forget it. Body would be dead, petrifying matter without the soul. In countless lives, you have worn and shed countless bodies, like clothes. Disease is not for you, fear is not for you because you aren't this perishable bundle of flesh and bones. Pls download and read this book by my Master if you haven't read it yet :

You say you do Surya Namaskar, which is very good. Now I hope you do the mantras also at each step. We call Sun-God - the Sun behind trillions of suns in the cosmos, the Aditya Narayana - as Mitra or Friend in the first step (Om Hram Mitray Namah). When the Master of the Universe is your friend, how can you have fear ? When the emperor is close to you, can anything in his kingdom cause you fear ?

This is easier said than done, I know, but practice makes it gradually perfect. Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that indeed it is difficult, but with Abhyas (practice) and Vairagya (detachment), it is do-able. Be your own mentor, day by day change the way you look at yourself and the world by connecting to your Immortal Source.

Similarly, Meditation is technique + devotion, not technique alone. Without devotion, it gets very dry ; without technique, it may just be emotive and unscientific. Pranayama and Pratyahara, plus the wisdom of love and devotion, will deepen your meditation, besides healing your psychosomatic ailments.

May God, Who is your own Highest Self and the Only Reality that there is, bless and guide you ...

Hans Dholakia

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