Please clarify whether diabetes is curable ... - Diabetes India
Please clarify whether diabetes is curable or only controllable.
I have diabetes for the past 5 tell me the exact method of controlling the disease. Whether it is curable.
Diabetes is not an infectious disease like typhoid.So,it cannot be cured in that sense.It is a metabolic disorder,wherein either the body cannot produce enough insulin or the body has developed insulin resistance and the sugar levels go beyond normal range.But you can manage the sugar level within range by diet control,regular exercise,medication and a stress free life style.But if you are not very careful diabetes will come back any time.

yes it is so.

When one suffer a bruise, cut, breach or bone-break it does not come under 'infectious disease'. So when the problem is rectified what do we say? Does it then ensure or guarantee that such problems will not repeat at the very same location even if identical condition is repeated? Why double standard towards diabetes alone? Is it because diabetes is a safe disease for several vested interests? i
Whether it is infectious disease or injury or metabolic disorder,it is essential to understand how the condition manifests.It is only then we can successfully overcome the condition. In that sense,diabetes has to be considered as a metabolic disorder and not an injury or an infectious o non infectious disease,Like some other conditions like migrain,disc degeneration,spodylitis etc,we have to live with diabetes and try to manage it to the extent possible.

I am withdrawing from this discussion so that the readers including you can take your opinions as the right ones. As the Holy Bible say, may your belief save you!
Diebeties can be controlled & can is not cured from the roots .It is very essential to control it else it will lead to other problems
Diabetes can not repeat not be cured it can only be controlled.
Definately.It is not curable,itcan be controlled with medicine,exercise and dieting
Those who are saying Diabetes can be cured,there is some kind of business behind them,anyway herbals and homeo can be controle only.I have been experienced all these things last 15 years with many doctors.finally I have reached in Insulin and controls.
2 years bk, one of my male friend 50+ family man in Riyadh had very very high level of blood sugar and could not control even after always keeping in his pocket a 1/2" thick 3" dia clear US made bio glass costing US$ 600. A malabari friend suggested him to eat 5 fresh KARUPATHAI leaves 3 times a day and it will bring down the sugar level. The fellow did it for over 2 months or so without monitoring sugar level in between and one day fell unconscious due to low sugar necessitating drips administrations in nursing home for couple of days costing him very much to recover normalcy. I dont know what exactly the reason but trying this KARUPATHAI leave eating is neither harmful not costly but will help if it could control sugar level. Try this from today itself and best of luck.
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Is there any Naturopathy medicine for Diabetes but not Allopathy ?
2 years bk, one of my male friend 50+ family man in Riyadh had very very high level of blood sugar and could not control even after always keeping in his pocket a 1/2" thick 3" dia clear US made bio glass costing US$ 600. A malabari friend suggested him to eat 5 fresh KARUPATHAI leaves 3 times a day and it will bring down the sugar level. The fellow did it for over 2 months or so without monitoring sugar level in between and one day fell unconscious due to low sugar necessitating drips administrations in nursing home for couple of days costing him very much to recover normalcy. I dont know what exactly the reason but trying this KARUPATHAI leave eating is neither harmful not costly but will help if it could control sugar level. Try this from today itself and best of luck.
Yes the LWMDR.
Yes Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can be regressed/retarded & finally stopped. Follow the Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen - treatment for permanent cure. It cured my diabetes in 2009.
I was diabetic only for three years from 2006. Lab results are published in the Web Article. More than 28,000 people have read it.
Just search Long Wheat in Google; my article will come as the FIRST one out of 116,000,000 results!!(As on 5Aug2013)
Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen (LWMDR) Modus operandi
In order to obtain initial conditions, get FBS, PPBS & HbA1C tests done before hand.
1. Facilitate required (optimum-NOT maximum) rest to pancreas by TOTALLY AVOIDING sweet intake; avoid fruits as well till getting CURED.
2. Substitute break fast and dinner by long-wheat kanji (porridge/mash) with a pinch of salt as required and curries (hot/sour side dishes - with no sweet). Continue lunch as it is (with oil, fat, potato, tapioca & sweet restrictions). Take all the three meals stomach full.
3. Reduce food intake frequency by postponing &/or combining and filling the gaps with plain water. May eat or drink more if number of intakes is three (3) or less including refreshments (snacks, tea, coffee, cool drinks etc.) in a day. Reduce oil & fat intake.
4. Brisk, medium or at least normal walk preferably for an hour daily.
1. Buy & use only unbroken long-wheat lest you should be cheated.
2. If blood sugar does not start decreasing in a month, avoid smoking & liquor if you are in the habit of having them.
3. Monitor blood sugar regularly - PPBS weekly, FBS at least monthly and HbA1C quarterly.
4. If already on tab. or insulin inj. one must continue those & monitor blood sugar MORE FREQUENTLY, preferably daily, at least FOR A WEEK. Else one may slip into low blood sugar problem (hypoglycaemia?).
Neglecting any of the above eight points (four of modus operandi and four of caution) is similar to removing one of the legs of a table.
As you approach CURE, progress will be slower.
2 years bk, one of my male friend 50+ family man in Riyadh had very very high level of blood sugar and could not control even after always keeping in his pocket a 1/2" thick 3" dia clear US made bio glass costing US$ 600. A malabari friend suggested him to eat 5 fresh KARUPATHAI leaves 3 times a day and it will bring down the sugar level. The fellow did it for over 2 months or so without monitoring sugar level in between and one day fell unconscious due to low sugar necessitating drips administrations in nursing home for couple of days costing him very much to recover normalcy. I dont know what exactly the reason but trying this KARUPATHAI leave eating is neither harmful not costly but will help if it could control sugar level. Try this from today itself and best of luck.
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Karuveepilai is a tamil name of green leave mostly all people including north Indians use in thadukka of subjies. Normally people will simply take and through it out while eating.. If u r in Mumbai or any city, go to any green vegetable vendor and ask for it. Most vendors will give this free of cost as perk when u buy vegetable from them. Still if u have any trouble to find this, ask any Tamilian woman or man to get u some karupathai leaves. It is cheap just for a rupee or so u will get to lost over 10 days or so. One of my male friend 50+ in Riyadh 2 years bk had very very high sugar and was always carrying in his pocket a pure bio glass disk of 1/2" thick x 3" dia costing US $ 600 for over an year or so without any relief. One Malabari suggested this Karupathai leave treatment and he started to follow that. But he did not monitor sugar level over couple month and fainted unconscious due to low sugar level requiring dripping in nursing home for couple of days to bring his sugar level to normal. If u need any more information pl call me on my mobile 9582455554 New Delhi
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Diabeties is not curable but it can be kept under controlled with drugs
Please click these links & evaluate
diabetesindia.healthunlocke... MY POST 1 MYPOST 2 MYPOST 3
No. it is not curable.
Diabeties can not be cured but it can be controlled by diets & exercise initially.
Beta cell transplant is an hetrografic transplant ,till in practical stage, needs recognition by churches , govt agency. there is hope of cure in it provided it is accepted by body.Primary Dm can never be cured those who claim are false.
I have got cured 100% from diabetic condition without any medicine. I have all the evidence for my cure. I was diagnosed initially with 480 (8 as HbA1c) glucose level and now my level is below 90. I can share my experience by private mail for helping diabetic friends
How can it possible to get 100% cured
100% cure is possible for TYPE 2! I am the evidence for it. I was too worried when I got diagnosed with DM (with dangerous levels of blood glucose) . Now I am living happily without any worries. No medicines , no false diets! A major alteration in lifestyle, food habits, and of course initially I followed doctor's advise and medicines to bring the blood glucose under control. Along with Yoga, sunlight exposure, walking, breathing (exercise?); had food with zero fat, zero sugars, more fibers. Then happy feelings...
It was a fantastic experience. No one taught me to do this and that etc. I understood actual way of living... That went right, corrected my ailment. Simple!
I do not keep anything secret for the cure, but I want to guide you people personally after understanding your real problem. I have enough money. I am part of nature. I naturally share and guide any other suffering brotherhood for healing. If I keep it as secret it is a sin (what I feel). I don't want someone bring it to his business or start making money from it.
Hi getz08,
I was diagnosed DM2 in 2006. Two of my OGTT lab reports of 2009 are published in HealthUnlocked at and ; a brief blood sugar history at
Please have a look and if you feel like, we will have some exchange of ideas.
Thank you.
In fact who are quacks - those who tell the truth or tell the lie?
Dear indiacratus,
Thank you very much for that. I felt your response was too general or multi-directional; that's why i responded. Sorry.
Friends, GRASS DIABETES introduces:A valuable scoring tool, which asks for some basic details & provides the best prognostic reports of your risk of developing Diabetes. - See more at:
Mr.Iyar Karupathy leaves means Karuveppila in Malayalam or curry leaves normaly it is not eating It is adding in curry for good smell only.But I dont think it can be cure diabets.