i take 3 cigarettes in a day and once in wh... - Diabetes India
i take 3 cigarettes in a day and once in while whisky i am diabitic since 7 years

my friend who is working a medicine company given guarented treat this deseas by stem cell technic. you can contact me on 09649501924 or8107021704
get your friend on the platform; he'd be rendering humanitarian service; he ought to go full-length and provide us ALL details in totality on his stem-cell treatment, etc. etc. his self-intro, since how long/many years is he providing such treatment, etc. etc. etc. be bold, no conduits, introduce as many experts as you can; it'd be for betterment of ALL participants; millions of blessings be with all contributors providing inspiration and to guys like this stem-cell treatment provider, get them on the platform, they'd too benefit thru fees, etc. if anyone decides to go for new options after careful wetting and appraisal, analysis,
Why don't you commit yourself to quit smoke & drink, because already you are health problem, always think about solution & not alternate, by taking cigaret & alcohol with you daily medicines will crate more complication inside your body. It is possible that it will result to damage your sensitive organs. Be Healthy with Worlds Purest Aloe, E-mail : forevereagle77@gmail.com

Better give up both habits.They are not good for the health of a normal person also and for a diabetic ,it is like adding fuel to fire.

Smoking cigarettes and consumption of alcohol are an unpardonable offence from the medical point of view.
Tobacco smoking is the largest single avoidable cause of premature death and the most important known carcinogen.
* It is associated particularly with lung cancer but also has a causative role in many other cancers, eg. esophageal, head and neck.
* 15% of all cancer cases worldwide and >30% of cases in men from developed countries are attributed to smoking.
* A substantial increase in cancer burden may be expected unless measures to control consumption are strengthened -- a consequence of the ongoing increase in global cigarette consumption, especially among women and in developing countries.
* Smoking cessation reduces the risk of cancer, but programmes promoting cessation have had only limited success.
* Passive exposure to tobacco smoke also contributes.
* Smoking is responsible for ~90% of cases of lung cancer and the relative risk in lifelong smoker compared to a lifelong
non-smoker is between 10- and 30- fold dependent on intensity and duration of exposure.
A major medical consequence of alcoholism is a person's much greater risk for brain attacks (stroke).
Alcoholism can cause alcoholic cardiomyopathy and heart disease associated with high blood pressure.
* Depression of the central nervous system.
* Degeneration of brain with loss of coordination and emotional stability.
* Addiction to tranquilizers to treat emotional instability.
* Physical damage in motor-vehicle crashes.
* Increased risk of suicide and homicide.
* Increased risk of unplanned pregnancy and STDs.
* Giving birth to a baby with fetal -alcohol syndrome, stunted growth, mental retardation.
* Poor nutrition from irritated liver and GI tract.
* Loss of sex drive.
* Neglect of food intake and physical appearance.
* Sleep loss.
* Severe inflammation of the pancreas with severe abdominal pain and nausea.
* Increased incidence of cancer. (A drinker is six times more likely to get mouth and throat cancer as compared to a nondrinker.)
Here are some other ways that alcohol can affect diabetes:--
* While moderate amounts of alcohol can cause blood sugar to rise, excess alcohol can actually decrease your blood sugar
level -- sometimes causing it to drop into dangerous levels.
* Beer and sweet wine contain carbohydrates and may raise blood sugar.
* Alcohol stimulates your appetite, which can cause you to overeat and may affect your blood sugar control.
* Alcohol can interfere with the positive effects of oral diabetes medicines or insulin.
* Alcohol may increase triglyceride levels.
* Alcohol may increase blood pressure.
* Alcohol can cause flushing, nausea, increased heart rate, and slurred speech.
MayoClinic.com indicates that B vitamin deficiencies directly affect nerve health and lack of these vitamins as well as vitamin E and niacin, contribute to polyneuropathy. Additionally, excessive use of alcohol can reduce vitamin absorption leading to symptoms of polyneuropathy.
Drinking alcohol even regularly isn't harmful if drunk in moderation.
Cigs are bad but better 3 a day than 30.
Hindustani hypocrites chew tobacco day in and day out and think they are OK.
Smoking or chewing tobacco is nothing but taking poison.
Alcohol, if taken only One Peg per day is good for health.
Anything in moderation is good but if you control Diet, you are not going to face any problem.It is my personal opinion.
Fully agree !!!Any bad habit can be stopped within 3 days.Stopping bad habit fully is also a bad habit !!!
some habits are making a man to human. As a poison, we are taking large quantity from our daily food (from vegetables & meat from the market) than 3 cigarettes and little alcohol. So I think it is better to minimize the quantity of such items than to with draw from our habits. Habits can keep your mind normal and such a way it can provide little relief to the deceases.