Best and Worst Foods for Diabetes - Diabetes India

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Best and Worst Foods for Diabetes

39 Replies

If you've got diabetes, you need a guide to help you quickly determine if a food is a good choice or a bad one, whether you're at the supermarket or standing in front of your refrigerator. Making the best choices will help you maintain good health and control your blood sugar levels, keeping them as close to normal as possible. WebMD has compiled a list of best and worst food choices for diabetes.

The categories for the food choice list are taken from the diabetes food pyramid. They include six food groups. The pyramid starts with breads, grains, and other starches at the base and rises to fats, oils, and sweets at the top. Here's the full list of categories from the bottom up:

Your goal for shopping and preparing meals is to choose more food from the base of the pyramid and less as you move toward the top.

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39 Replies
vijay profile image

Rice is understood but why wheat is off? White flour is dangerous but other varieties of wheat are acceptable though in moderate quantity

rekhavns profile image
rekhavns in reply to vijay

Rice is high in GI so it is restricted. Whole wheat flour is not restricted and u should not remove the bran from it. The portion of wheat flour has to be controlled as there are 15gms of carbs in single chappati and these carbs convert into glucose in your body. Generally 6-8 servings of carbs is reccomended. The total calories should come from 60% carbs, 20% fats and 20% protien.

anirudh profile image

I have seen this list in WebMD. This list mainly contains things available in foreign countries and not in India, barring grains, milk, curds/ yogurt.

One has to observe his diet and check BS regularly. Take also medicines as per Dr. advice and exercise as usual.One should change food intake for 8-10 days and check BS. This will be a feed back to him to follow right path.

Gondu profile image
Gondu in reply to anirudh

Respected all,

I will in few days publish South Indian and North Indian Dishes, mainly Vegetarian for the benefit of our members.

gangshailesh profile image
gangshailesh in reply to Gondu

have u published such list kindly inform

mantoo profile image

could not see the list

rekhavns profile image

Dear Mr. Anup,

Being a Nutritionist and a Certified Diabetes educator I differ from you on LCHF diet. The normal recommendation is that the total calories should come from 60% carbs, 20% fats and 20% protein. If u eat high fat diet it is going to cause high cholesterol, triglycerides and high LDL. Which can lead to cardiac disease. I agree that if u eat a carb diet it will bring down the sugars but please get your lipid profile done at regular intervals. If u take reccomended quantity of all the food groups with proper medicines and exercise I don't see any reason why you blood sugar should not come down with out risking your heart health.

sushrut62 profile image
sushrut62 in reply to rekhavns


Gondu profile image
Gondu in reply to rekhavns

Respected Sir,

I agree to this. As the age progresses the amount of exercise decreases, leading to the accumulation of fat in body, unless you convert it into energy by means of exercises brisk walking atleast 120 steps per minute, this will be very difficult. As such one can safely switch to Low Carb food.

nmohan profile image

hi ! there is no list attached

anirudh profile image


Taking diabetic medicines before or after lunch. Does it makes any difference as far as BS is concerned ? As insulin is to be taken before lunch.

bapu profile image
bapu in reply to anirudh

sir, usually insuline is given in type 1 should take insuline before meals, because it starts working soon after your insuline intake. if u are empty stmoch your bs lavel would go low i.e. lo sugar. which is dangrous than high bs. so it is recommended before food .which helps in lowering bsl. thank u.

anirudh profile image

My question is about tablets and not insulin. As I am taking tablets i.e. Glynese MF and Piosafe 15 after lunch or dinner. If I take it before lunch/dinner does it makes any positive or negative effect on BS ?

Secondly, if I take the tablets with hot water instead of cold or normal, will it make any difference

rajivkulkarni profile image

please show the list of foods and pyramid

anirudh profile image

Anup, If you see my earlier communications, I have drastically reduced carbs in any form. I have increased proteins & fats to some extents.

As mentioned by you, I have to stop Glynese. Accepted. Will you please suggest me alternate as my doctor said to continue Glynese MF and Piosafe 15. Truly speaking, I don't know the effects of these medicines on our body. If they are not OK, please suggest me alternate.

As I have changed diet and taking regular exercise of 5 Kms brisk walking, will I need to take diabetics medicines ? No doubt I am checking FBS and PPBS weekly.

aejun129 profile image

siphoned completely from ur brain ur every Fasting &PP 121-190.

rekhavns profile image

Mr. Anup,

i don't wont to argue with u. But you seem to have a big data on LCHF diet. Why don't you write a paper and share your studies with other people and nutritionist who will benefit from your studies and experience.

aejun129 profile image

When one feel acute Hungary then sugar in blood may be 220 or above so always in interval must Marie Gold/Mild biscuit beside meal.Fiber content must. Double toned milk preferable 'AMUL' every morning & Evening.Thirsty ur blood sugar rising,frequent urine it is more than 300-350

kohlitiger profile image

I feel very thirsty in the night and get up to drink water two to three times.

My tongue dries completely and I wake up.

What is due to and could it be cured

KSREDDY profile image
KSREDDY in reply to kohlitiger

It is normal activity. Drink water whenever u want to drink. When use ceiling fans at high speed it dries up skin and water evaporates from ur body. U require more water.

pbpathak profile image

There is not attachment

Try to attach list

KSREDDY profile image

Most of postings are not worth reading. Please visit National institute of Nutrition web site and open their publications page. U will find many publications which are reasonably priced and how to get them. It is a govt of India lab site. The lab is in Hyderabad.

Gondu profile image

Dear Anupji is absolutely correct, one cannot think of 60: 20: 20 ratio. Then your sugar will not be controlled except medicine, what we are discussing here is how to achieve minimum medicines. As regards wheat has slightly higher proteins and more of fibre in whole wheat atta.

dbanerjee6887 profile image

From my experience I feel nobody can advise properly for the management of BG level. By trial and error method one will have to set his/ her diet chart. But one thing is unavoidable that once you have caught BS it will never be cured fully. Only you can well manage it by 1. nutritional food 2. consistent physical exercise & morning walk ( min 30 mints/ day) and 3. dietary suppllement. Modern research reavels that wheat contains a substance named 'Gluten'. Gluten grain is strongly associated with diabetes and gastroenterological disorders apart from other diseases. A comparison between rice and bread for the same quantity of serving shows that bread contains more carb than that of rice i.e. rice is better than bread. Also rice is gluten free grain and wheat is gluten rich grain. Can anybody enlighten further on this further. Pl do not use this platform for debate. Everybody will be benefited from a healthy discussion and sharing knowledge. I wanted to discuss and seek advice from my doctor. Unfortunately he was annoyed with me and replied that he would not advise till the matter was included in the text. Live healthy.

hariishu profile image

a cup of tea without sugar in morning (taken no medicine) after 2 hours medicine and breakfast (one chapati and a glass of milk/tea)(glycomate gp 2 fort + vozuca .3 + olmesar a 40 +liv 52 + revital +raz plus sr) in afternoon 2 chapati + subzi+ curd+ vozuca .3& at last in night glycomate gp 2 fort+vozuca .3 & 2chapati + dal thats it what itake in a day but early in morning when i check my bs it is 125/130 ( is every thing ok? i should contine it?

nkab profile image

transplant patient, because of the steroids, sugar jumps up and down, walk about 6 km daily, 7 days a week. on in sulin dose of 24/20/20 three times a day. any dietary advise which can reduce my insulin intake?

tmtmct profile image

Kindly give the food list as best to choose in 2 diabetes

kohlitiger profile image

my question is that my tongue never used to dry up completely at night three to four times

before I got diabetic.

Is it related to that because it happens in winter also when I dont use the fan

Kewal Kohli

New delhi

anirudh profile image

Earlier I use to take Glynese MF and Piosafe 15 mg -2 tabs each time before lunch and before dinner. My PPBS was around 180 to 220.

With change in diet and regular brisk walk for 50 minute, I take 1 tab each of above instead 2 tabs. My PPBS is well below 150 and many a times it goes to 100 or 90

mihr49 profile image

In the foregoing discussion in my view it appears one and all have some how left aside the blood chemistry of the Human Body. I don't know if the authors of the foregoing write ups will agree, that the Blood Chemistry differs from one human body to the other and hence the use of medication to balance the blood chemistry by supplementation of one or two elements causing a disorder in the function of the various organs related to BS control. Hence it is better always to involve medical science for each individual and consult the authorities in this field of science. It is surely helpful to know each others experience, but it is always better to consult ones personal physician before applying the thoughts of someone, which in the long run may result for the worse.

rk39 profile image

pl. give list o.f good foods and bad foods

sjmzen profile image

Is coconut good for diabetic patients? I think it's not.

manyam profile image

No list is attached, we eagerly waiting for list

dbanerjee6887 profile image

Dear Mr Anup, I fully agree with you. No doctors will give patience hearing about the latest research and development on the subject for multiple reasons. No 1. It will cut his time and thereby cut his money. 2. The doctor has no time to study research papers (again it will cut his time). They are linked with various Pharmas

and the doctors learn from medical representatives only and accordingly prescribe blindly. Once my doctor prescribed a very costly medicine of one pharma giant. I suggested my doctor to prescribed another medicine of comparatively low cost. The doctor replied that he was helpless but to prescribe that particular medicine only. Of course I did not buy that medicine. In another case, for a second opinion I went to another doctor who practically threw away the earlier prescription and suggested alternative medicine. In India the patients are the playing cards of doctors except for a very few.

However, from my past experience and study I have selected my own way of managing diabetes. I have noticed that few persons (doctors?)are using this forum to promote their products/medicines immorally. Thanks Mr Anup for your comments.

dbanerjee6887 profile image

Everybody is seeking a good list to managa his BG level. I give here my diet chart developed after a long trial and error method. If anybody wants may try this diet for at least one month.

After getting up from bed I take one small spoon of dust of fennugreek and cinnamon ( 50 gms each) ground together without washing my mouth. Thereafter as below:---

1. 7 AM. one cup sugarless tea with one cream cracker biscuit

2. 9 AM Breakfast. oatmeal & milk mixed with one tbsp flax seed powder and two tbsp

gram sattu. At 11 AM I take one cup bitter melon boiled water.

3. 1.30 PM Lunch. boiled rice made from 60 gms raw rice, boiled one bitter melon & 4/5

ladies fingers, sufficient green mixed vegetables, fresh fish(approx 70

gms) or 50 gms chicken, dal of any type, salad : one medium onion +

one tomato + one cucumber ( apprx 100 gms )+ half lemon + one

green chilli. I have no restriction for potato.

4. 7 PM one cup sugarless tea with one sugarfree biscuit.

5 10 PM Dinner 4 nos hand made bread ie 2 nos with vegetables and 2 nos with

double tonned milk.

I also take 3 nos boiled egg in every week. The total intake is adjusted

accoding to need and the menu is sometimes altered to bring a little

change in taste. I donot take both trans fat, saturated fat and pancake.

For the last 10/12 yrs I did not taste sugar and sweet. I try to avoid


6. 6AM. morning walk for 30 mints and 30 mints scheduled exercise. At 8 Am I

perform Pranayam for half an hour.

This is absolutely my own requirement and I do not take any responsibility for any result if anybody tries the above chart. This forum is basically for exchanging views and sharing experiences and as such I post my experience here. I am 69 yrs old. My height is 5'6", my weight is 61 kg and my present PP BS is 128 mg/di. I am suffering from BS for the last 10/12 yrs. But BS fluctuates very often if I loose control your management. Let everybody stay healthy.

Gondu profile image

Dear dbanerjee6887,

Have you checked your 1AC test every three months?

Mishti2 profile image

Very good info Anup!! Sadly, is the truth of the matter.

KIRITT profile image

Provide the List.

in reply to KIRITT

Sorry I am unable to upload the file.

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