Posts - Diabetes & Hypertension Help Society | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes & Hypertension Help Society

10,930 members1,351 posts

All posts for April 2013

diebetes person can take Alcohol like Beer /whiseky/Rum/ ? and can take also small suger biscuit sometime.

lachhu profile image


in the Early stages it is common for people to deny the reality of having diabet...
Githenji profile image

Walking every day

Want to share my experience on how important walking is. Walking everyday for h...
Githenji profile image
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Iam diabetic for five years,have been using pengra 100mg for it okey to continue using it .it is not effiencient.

Tumwesigye profile image

How best can i control stomach craving.

narhosa profile image

what is diabetes?

what causes diabetes?
SSENFUMA profile image

When should a person with diabetes start an exercise regimen?

is caqbbage good for a diabetic patient?

can somebody control diabetes by relying on diet alone?

charlesg profile image

What a diabetic patient with scars on the leg that are dripping what and smelling be assisted to get well?

How can a diabetic patient with scars on her lower leg be helped to get healed?

How do I get an erection. I am diabetic

Mukuha profile image

what is the best blood sugar level for a diabetic person?

ayubjob profile image

Diabetic and high blood sugar (hypertension) is interrelated. What is the causes of this interrelation ships?

What should I do when my feet get swollen after sitting for a long time?

My feet get swollen when I sit for a long time. When I wake up from my bed, they...

Diabetes Drugs

Gemer 2 and metformin, between these two types of drugs, which is better to use ...
Githenji profile image

Anyone heard of this walnut dietary fact?
Ganesh profile image


my legs seem to have some blisters and fungus between my toes. i wonder what I ...
Githenji profile image

Can sour milk help in reducing sugar glucose in the blood

how can i get access to the international diabetes federation? ( am ugandan)

jbmwesigwa profile image

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