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What causes (1) Hypertension (2) Diab... - Diabetes & Hypert...
What causes (1) Hypertension (2) Diabettes

Heart attacks is as a result from interruption of blood supply to the heart causing heart cells to die.people at risk are smokers,excessive body fat,alcohol & diabetics
Experts know that many different factors are linked to high blood pressure. But experts still don't fully understand the exact cause. Factors that are linked to high blood pressure include: when the heart cannot pump blood freely through the arteries to the body because they are blocked with fatty substances or impurities, it could also happen as a result of congeal blood. sometimes when we eat what our blood cannot tolerate agglutination take place and the blood becomes so thick that it can't circulation properly. other things involve
Drinking more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day for men or more than 1 alcoholic drink a day for women.
Eating a lot of sodium (salt).
Being overweight or obese.
Not exercising.
Being under a lot of stress.
Eating a diet low in potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Being insulin-resistant.
Primary, or essential, high blood pressure is the most common type of high blood pressure. Most people who have high blood pressure have primary high blood pressure.
Secondary high blood pressure, which is caused by another disease or medicine, is less common.
Elevated blood pressure readings may not always mean that you have high blood pressure. For some people, just being in a medical setting causes their blood pressure to rise. This is called white-coat hypertension.
DIABETES is caused by a situation were by the body cannot produce a hormone called insulin in the body or the body cannot make use of the insulin. it could be that the cells in the body cannot react to insulin. obesity and the genetic factors also plays in having diabetes.
Hypertension and diabetes in many cases often occur without any symptoms and for this reason it is sometimes referred to as a silent killer. Symptoms of hypertension may remain unnoticed for many years or decades until they cause some serious complications like brain hemorrhage, heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.
You can broadly divide it into two categories:
* Essential (Primary) Hypertension: In this type of hypertension no underlying cause can be found to explain high blood pressure, although a poor lifestyle can contribute to this condition. It is the main form of high blood pressure accounting for 90-95% of cases.
* Secondary Hypertension: In this type of hypertension high blood pressure is due to some abnormality or pre-existing condition in the body, such as kidney disease, thyroid disease or narrowing of the aorta (the main artery that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body). Symptoms of secondary hypertension may include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath , convulsion , changes in vision , nausea, vomiting , anxiety , increased sweating , heart palpitations , increased urination frequency, chest pains and Dizziness.
Poorly controlled hypertension can damage blood vessels in the eye, thicken heart muscles and often result in heart stroke and kidney failure. Swelling in the ankles or legs (edema), bluish lips and skin (cyanosis), and chest pain (angina) are other symptoms of hypertension.
Symptoms of diabetes are:
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Extreme hunger
Unexplained weight loss
Sudden vision changes
Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
Poor circulation
Poor sleep
Feeling very tired much of the time
Very dry skin
Sores that are slow to heal
More infections than usual.
Kanankwe dear, there is herbal cure for diabetes and hypertension, but no cure with the conventional medications, so it's a matter of choice if you dnt belief in herbs the natural treatment then you have to live with these disease for the rest of your life. so as a naturopath, i can confidently tell you that there is cure for these disease.
Kanankwe, when I first found out that I have diabetes I notice my vision becomes blurry at times and I have to rush to the rest room to urinate often during the day.