Has anyone been dealing with both of these issues together please?
Thyroid and Diabetes 2: Has anyone been... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Thyroid and Diabetes 2

Yes, diagnosed with under active thyroid in 2007 and diabetes type 2 in 2010. On thyroxine for thyroid and diabetes is lifestyle/diet controlled. Also diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2010.
Yes.So what?Go see a doctor.
Yes, I have diabetes (type 2) and on insulin. I also take thyroxine for an underactive thyroid, due to having the gland removed back in 2000. I have both checked at the diabetic clinic every 6 months. I have often wondered why my thyroid function is checked at same time as my diabetic check but have never questioned it. I've only just had both checked, so it'll be another 6 months before I can question it (if I remember).
If you're concerned about this,I think a G.P. visit would perhaps put your mind at rest?
While I'm here, does anyone else take statins? If so, have they made your blood sugars increase? Just a query with the group.
Thank you. 🐈 x 🐈.
Grandma24and1 statins are associated with some 300 side effects including a 48% risk of developing type 2 diabetes through insulin resistance, hence your higher blood sugar levels. They may also cause muscle weakness for anyone with an underactive thyroid. This is such a tragedy as the cholesterol they are so often prescribed to lower helps protect us.
Cholesterol is actually an active and vital part of your body's repair toolkit. But sadly, following a 1960s announcement by the American health authorities to the contrary, this is only now becoming more widely known. They say it takes 50 years to learn from our mistakes - I guess that statins' 50 years are up! rationaloptimist.com/blog/c...
Insulin resistance is associated not only with the development of type 2 diabetes but also thyroid dysfunction ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl... hence your clinic monitoring both conditions.
Have you looked at diet for controlling your type 2 (yes, I know, silly question) only a friend of mine reversed hers by refusing to follow the medical diet she was given and using, instead, something similar to the Mediterranean diet. second-opinions.co.uk/diabe... It took her close on 2 years to get the all clear but she was off the drugs much sooner. Others are doing the same with the LCHF diet.
I already follow a low carb, high fibre diet, mainly to lose weight, which is working! Although I am not that overweight, I would feel more comfortable losing 1 stone.
My diabetes is hereditary, so there's not much of a chance that it'll just disappear! I had gestational diabetes (on insulin) and both my daughters had the same. It disappears soon after the birth.
But.......makes its appearance again round about 45.
Isn't nature wonderful 😢 in the gifts she chooses to bestow!
I'm glad you find the LCHF diet helpful, it is good to get feedback from a live person. Being one of those people who only has to look at food to put weight on I have been following the principles quite successfully, though it is rather difficult as I am vegetarian (allergic to meat).
Ihave type 2 diabetes take 118 units of Humulin daily, a;so have an underactive thyriod 250 mg Levothyroxine and have had CLL watch and wait since 2011, because of other health problems they are not thinking of chemo
Thanks for your reply, have a nice day.
I have type 2 diabetes on metformin MR,levothyroxine for thyroid and atrovastatin for high cholesterol. Also have calcium on brain stem, complex sleep apneoa that is very rare in women, fibromyalgia morphine based for that vit D deficient, neurogeneric bladder so hold water and finally for now osteoarthritis !!
But life goes on and I try make the most of a bad situation. Awaiting results of more tests for other things as well
Decembersignup, I take ramipril for the blood pressure, I have it checked by GP every 6 months. Had to increase dose slightly last year as bp was creeping up but I seem to tolerate the ramipril very well.
I have had type 2 diabetes (hereditary) for over 35 years and hypothyroidism for about 30 years. I also have pernicious anaemia. You will find that the symptoms of UAT and high blood sugar are very similar and it can be difficult to find out which is causing what. If your blood sugar is well balanced then ongoing symptoms are most likely to be the thyroid.