Hi everyone, I thought it was time I sought help.
The issue is I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 50 years, and now suffer from neuropathy of the hands and feet, glaucoma, Brittle diabetes and gastroparesis.
A few years ago, (early 2000s), I had an MRI scan which showed lots of brain plaques and I was warned that I might have issues later on in life.
Over the past couple of years, I have had the occasional lapse in memory, which usually resolved on its own. It has suddenly gotten worse.
I woke up one morning, had a shower, went to my underwear drawer, opened it and could not remember what to do with my knickers; I forget words, and describe the objects instead. I sometimes cannot understand what is being said to me, or I speak absolute gibberish. This distresses me because I have (or had) a good brain. In my younger days (I am now 54), I excelled at exams because I scored top marks without having to study. Now I sometimes forget my kid's name, so I call her Baby.
My character is changing, to my utter distress. I appear to have to have no control over my emotions. I used to be a cool, calm, easy going person. I now get into fights with strangers at the vets because they said something unflattering about my dog.
My handwriting has changed, and I can no longer spell. I can no longer concentrate on a task ( you don't want to know how long it took for me to write this piece!) The problem is, during my "senior moments", I feel perfectly fine and believe my actions to be logical. The distress comes later, when I realise what I did.
Question is; what do I do about this? Help!!